I'm screaming Happy Birthday Myren1900 ....

One of the Bestest Kindest Gentlemen around

Happy Happy Birthday Myren!!!!
If I was closer around you I'd do 300 squats on ya

Pick your flavor Vagina Cupcake and enjoy your day!!!! Hugs!!!!
Happy birthday Myren 1900... may you have a wonderful weekend and enjoy your day.
Happy Birthday Sir Myren. Enjoy ur day and cupcakes
DallasRain's Avatar
SknyDiva's Avatar
Happy birthday myren1900
Happy Birthday Babe. Hope you have a wonderful day!
myren1900's Avatar
Thank you so much ladies !!!

Maybe I should try a chocolate cupcake.
I have a hard time resisting that flavor ....
Or get a rare vanilla treat for once ? 😋

I LOVE you all. You are the best !!!

omg happy belated will have to get you cupcakes for the visit
^You're his flavor He's gonna like you!
I hope so
myren1900's Avatar
Thanks, JadaMari.

I love ALL flavors. Hope to meet you soon

You mean to tell me that out of all the women on this board only 10 people commented to wish this nice man a Happy Birthday, and in fact 1 of the comments were from him. He wishes and pulls for all the ladies on this board.

All the birthday Gent's should get a special welcome on their special day. How come more ladies don't thank the gent's here?? They are the reason we ladies survive.
BootyfulGia's Avatar
Happy belated birthday Myren1900��������
annie@christophers's Avatar
SOMETIMES. ..it takes a minute to read all this shit mel...lol. xoxo annie
I used my super secret decoder ring to send birthday greetings.