For you IT afficianados

didn't realize that this site was pulled up on my phone when I got to the office this morning. When i unlocked it I see good ole eccie on the screen. I immediately turned off wi-fi, in an oh shit moment.
From a tech standpoint, how bad was this lapse?
There are really a couple of questions.

First, did it reload or was it just a cached version of the site on your page? If it didn't reload, but was still sitting in memory, chances are nothing even left your phone at the time.

Second, does your company even track what is requested? Most seem to just block things, rather than track and review what people are visiting, unless you are visiting something often.

If it is a one time thing, you can say you don't even remember it and must have stupidly clicked a bad link. Say you think they may have been trying to get a virus on your phone. But unless your company is very strict, I wouldn't worry about a one time thing like this. Just don't do it again.
thanks for the quick response...I don't think it even reloaded.