Air Force Chief Master Sgt and his debauchery

pmdelites's Avatar
so, did anyone read/hear/see about this Air Force Chief Master Sgt and his debauchery??

in addition to
"He also admitted to using his military-issued cell phone and computer to exchange explicit e-mails and texts" ...
the wildest one to me was
"he twice had sex with his wife in front of a married enlistee whose husband was unaware."

guess there arent that many playtime outlets near Dayton, Ohio.

[debauchery - archaic seduction from duty, allegiance, or virtue.]

True debauchery is liberating because it creates no obligations. In it you possess only yourself; hence it remains the favorite pastime of the great lovers of their own person. -Albert Camus
Nitwitboy's Avatar
There goes a long career down the drain.
What a dumb ass. He deserves lots of time. They will turn him into a girl at the DB in Ft. Leavenworth!
MarcVerma's Avatar
steverino50's Avatar
From the title, I thought this was going to be about Supersarge!
Captain Caveman's Avatar
guess there arent that many playtime outlets near Dayton, Ohio.

Originally Posted by pmdelites
Oh but there is... there is the world famous Dayton Swim Club... for those that are brave enough
Precision45's Avatar
Rank doesn't necessarily equate to intelligence.....The military is full of those types.
~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 01-25-2011, 09:33 PM
He did a LOT more than just have a single affair...

Side note- I can't count how many times I have told military guys NOT to email me again from their "work" or military emails....

It happens at least once a month.
Rank doesn't necessarily equate to intelligence.....The military is full of those types.

The civilian world has a Hell of a lot more!
Nitwitboy's Avatar
As an E-9, his prison time will be very easy. SImiliar to a CEO going to prison. THs shame here is that he will lose everything and make no mistake, making E-9 is near impossible. HE really tossed it all away.
He will NOT be an E-9 in the joint. Every convict in the DB (once appeals are exhausted) goes to general population unless they are in PC.
boo-boo bear's Avatar
WOW! What an idiot! Yes, making it to E-9 is tough, and usually, not always, they are pretty smart.

To put this into perspective, if he was able to retire today, his monthly retired pay would be $4,040.00 a month before taxes until the day he died.. (Based upon reported rank and years of service.) If we assume he entered service at age 18, then we can safely use 45 as his current age. Living to the ripe old age of 77 (current life expectation) Then we can say that he has lost potential income of $48,482.46 per year, or $1,551,438.70 over the remainder of his expected remaining life span. Once you throw in lost medical benefits and base privileges then you can safely assume total lost monetary benefits of close to 3.5 million dollars!

Now that is some high dollar pussy!

Once his court martial proceedings are complete, he will, most likely, walk away with a dishonorable or bad conduct, reduction in rate to E-1, and forfeiture of all pay and benefits. As such, he will go to the joint as just a regular schmuck. I have seen a couple cases where they went light on the perp, allowing him to retire at a reduced rate and he agreed to provide his divorced (usually) wife the full retirement pay, and this also allowed the wife and kids to keep the health benefits. This was in a case where the child had exceptional or special needs.

Unknown to most, Leavenworth is not the only military prison. There are also two high security prisons on Naval bases. One is located at San Diego, and the other is located in Charleston. They house murderers, rapist and others there who have been convicted by court martial.

I saw some people do this while in, and could only shake my head in amazement!
Nitwitboy's Avatar
You are correct Abraham, but based on rank before conviction he would never end up at Fort L. In fact, I would be surprised to see him do any time at all. Most likely a dishonorable and no benefits. Not many people go to prison for non violent crimes at this rank. We shall see.
Nitwitboy's Avatar
Boo Boo, you are correct. There are a plethora of prisons and he would never end up at Leavenworth. He will also not be reduced to an E-1 based on his crimes. THe UCMJ is strict on his activities, but if he pleads I see no real prison time here based on those crimes. In the real world he would be picking up trash on a highway in an orange vest with probation. His rank will save him from any real time. It is a shame though. There is a website out there that has premium access and plenty of people that could have saved him this hassle. Holly and Rod would have been a good connection for him.