What drives men to see escorts? Poll

This poll was made anonymous, so polsters will not have their handles shown. Some of these questions may seem redundant, but all are valid questions. I am very interested in the poll results! Not all posted questions are directly related to the question, however some questions reveal the current relationship status and understanding better the reasons. I am sure everyone will chime in on this poll. This is not intended to be judgmental or critical to anyone who visits escorts. It is primarily put together to see what some of the key reasons are behind visiting escorts. Just a note: I fully support escorts / call girls and do believe their profession should be legalized in the US!
Biggayal's Avatar

The excitement of doing something "forbidden".

This one may seem wierd but to be able to do things that I would feel guilty about doing with my SO.

The excitement of doing something "forbidden".

This one may seem wierd but to be able to do things that I would feel guilty about doing with my SO. Originally Posted by Biggayal
Damn, I knew I was missing a question on that poll! I am curious, why would you feel quilty doing some things with your SO versus an escort? Does this have anything to do with the "madonna / whore" complex I hear of and read? Or are there some things that you feel she just would not enjoy doing? Would love some more elaboration on this?
  • MrGiz
  • 01-26-2011, 08:13 AM
Odd set-up for this poll.... four separate answers apply to me.... but I chose "Do you enjoy the anonymous, tangle free sex that you get with an escort? " Which primarily falls under the category of "enjoying variety".

Man was not naturally programmed to be monogamous.... IMHO , anyway!!

Odd set-up for this poll.... four separate answers apply to me.... but I chose "Do you enjoy the anonymous, tangle free sex that you get with an escort? " Which primarily falls under the category of "enjoying variety".

Man was not naturally programmed to be monogamous.... IMHO , anyway!!

Giz Originally Posted by MrGiz
You can check more than one on the poll. Glad you participated!
Biggayal's Avatar
Damn, I knew I was missing a question on that poll! I am curious, why would you feel quilty doing some things with your SO versus an escort? Does this have anything to do with the "madonna / whore" complex I hear of and read? Or are there some things that you feel she just would not enjoy doing? Would love some more elaboration on this? Originally Posted by Bebe Le Strange
Well some of the things I enjoy deal more with "power" than "pleasure". Anal for instance... it has been around forever and has been used to express dominance across the animal kingdom (even male on male).

My SO was not open to that or anything outside vanilla sex. I couldn't even get her to touch herself while I was in the room. That can really put a damper on when guys in particular thrive from sexual variety and excitement.

I will have to look up the complex you spoke of... it may indeed apply. :-)
Well some of the things I enjoy deal more with "power" than "pleasure". Anal for instance... it has been around forever and has been used to express dominance across the animal kingdom (even male on male).

My SO was not open to that or anything outside vanilla sex. I couldn't even get her to touch herself while I was in the room. That can really put a damper on when guys in particular thrive from sexual variety and excitement.

I will have to look up the complex you spoke of... it may indeed apply. :-) Originally Posted by Biggayal

Here is a link of what I was talking about! =)
topsgt38801's Avatar
Many times seeing a provider allows you to be yourself and not hide your inhibitions and also the opportunity to explore your sexuality. Some girlfriends and wives only go mish or are very limited in what they will do and seeing a provider in most cases allows you to experience the full spectrum of sexual enjoyment.

All women are wonderful no matter how inhibited or open they are.

Biggayal's Avatar
Bebe, I don't think I have that particular complex.

I think its because when I expressed some of the more tame ideas... like to have her touch herself when we were making love, she refused and said it embarassed her. Now when she was drunk, holy hell I just held on for the ride!

So as you can see, if the tame stuff was embarassing... how could I even bring up the more torrid stuff?
Bebe, I don't think I have that particular complex.

I think its because when I expressed some of the more tame ideas... like to have her touch herself when we were making love, she refused and said it embarassed her. Now when she was drunk, holy hell I just held on for the ride!

So as you can see, if the tame stuff was embarassing... how could I even bring up the more torrid stuff? Originally Posted by Biggayal
Oh yes, I do understand what you are saying. I am curious though have you ever tried to broach the topic on some of things with her? Maybe communication about what you actually enjoy, could enlighten her a bit.
You could always be turned down, and I understand that rejection or embarrassment might be the reason some men just don't ask for what they really want from there wives/girlfriends, but not trying to communicate it (at least trying) you would never know if she was willing. Just a thought.
"Do you enjoy the anonymous, tangle free sex that you get with an escort?" received a large majority of the votes. That says quite a bit about what men really are looking for.
This is certainly eye opening to say the least!

“Are you currently married”? So far 51%

“Are you gun-shy about starting up a civilian relationship and find it easier to see escorts”? Wow, almost 21%

“Primary reason for seeing an escort: to receive sexual techniques a civilian woman won’t do”? At 25% and counting.
"Do you enjoy the anonymous, tangle free sex that you get with an escort?" received a large majority of the votes. That says quite a bit about what men really are looking for. Originally Posted by l81morex
I think it also falls under the category of wanting variety, because with variety you don't have to get involved with anyone person, no commitment, no hassle.

In a way I find it kinda sad though..
What drives me to see an escort? A Honda, usually. Past that, I don't do a lot of thinking about it.
smiley's Avatar
Good poll. At the risk of speaking for all hobbyists, I think the highest response rate would be to the question:

"Do you see escorts as a relatively safe way to add variety to your sex life, without the numerous pitfalls that come with real-life relationships".

There are so many negative repercussions that can come with having an affair. Divorce and unplanned extramarital pregnancies are two. If you have an affair at the workplace, not only could you lose your wife, and time with your family, but also your job. It's just a much safer transaction to have an anonymous liason every now and then, than having one that could wander outside the confines of a bedroom.