Getting to know a Provider before the actual meet
Provider Ladies,
Say a Hobbyist first contacts you, and they have been properly screened meeting your requirements. Your wanting to meet within say a week, but then things come up, schedules keep postponing until yuo finally meet each other. What if your texting chats, getting to know each other, flirting, building up chemistry before the actual meeting. Is it a good thing to do with a Provider, or is that taking up too much a Provider's time?
I've done that with a Provider after meeting, we'd sent sweet messages back and forth, she's send me funny little pics, words of advice, compliments. I found it delightful and surprising because I figure Provider's don't necessarily want to bother. I read somewhere here that it is considered a waste of the Provider's time.
You sound like a time waster.
Just my opinion. Time is money, nothing is free. Either (a) they're reeling you in for something more or (b) you should pay them for their time. I guess if you want more "get to know you" time you can book an extra hour in a session and go out to dinner or something.
This, like many other questions, doesn't have a simple answer as it will depend on each individual provider and your connection with them. Now if it is primarily you that is doing all the texting, then you might be wasting their time, lol.
I am one of those that likes to get to know a lady before I see her. I want to have a pretty good idea we are going to have a connection before I spend my hobby dollars.
Once screened, I would ask the provider if she minds. I know some ladies see it as a waste of time.
I like to get to know someone and keep in touch. So I don't mind someone saying hello and flirting with me. I mean, what girl doesn't like being told that she's beautiful or that someone is thinking of her. It's awesome, if it's in moderation. I definitely believe in being friendly, but not necessarily friends (if that makes sense). We have to keep it somewhat of a business relationship.
If it seems you're just wanting to sext (which I will not do) with explicit messages, or if you start talking to me about other ladies you'd like to see but too scared to pull the trigger, or about sex with the wife, the conversation will abruptly end. To me, that's wasting my time.
I very much enjoy flirting and cultivating chemistry leading up to a future date. Though mindfulness and common sense is also key. It's one thing when a gent is brimming with anticipation and sends a sweet and thoughtful note here and there. And it's a whole other thing when someone thinks that because they have booked a session with you in the future that they deserve unreasonable amounts of your time and energy leading up to the date.
As for "getting to know a provider before" meeting.. I just don't know. Obviously everyone is different, but I think if someone hasn't communicated that they are interested in meeting beforehand, such a request would be stepping out of bounds. Here and there, I have indulged in some OTC moments with friends I've made. But I'm much more open to doing that after our session is complete, and for folks who book longer dates with me..
I have a good sense of it now. I appreciate you Lena Duvall, Laura Lynn, flanker1017, bobo1cg, and sgtpepper1968 for being decent in responding to my question and helping me to understand. It does help me to understand better about the hobby, no matter what...I'm still learning.
I have a good sense of it now. I appreciate you Lena Duvall, Laura Lynn, flanker1017, bobo1cg, and sgtpepper1968 for being decent in responding to my question and helping me to understand. It does help me to understand better about the hobby, no matter what...I'm still learning.
Originally Posted by Gemineye
Finkle's answer was good, too.. his response has 3 "likes", all those you mentioned above have a total of one.. just saying.
I normally like to get to know a provider generally before a session especially if it's gonna be an overnight. Thing is recently I've been kinda bummed out by the hobby and not sure about this anymore.
I normally like to get to know a provider generally before a session especially if it's gonna be an overnight. Thing is recently I've been kinda bummed out by the hobby and not sure about this anymore.
Originally Posted by Duthgar1976
You said a couple of weeks ago you can't afford to hobby and now you say you're bummed out by the hobby yet post frequently. Seems you're the definition of a tire kicker if you're wasting any lady's time.
Once screened, I would ask the provider if she minds. I know some ladies see it as a waste of time.
I like to get to know someone and keep in touch. So I don't mind someone saying hello and flirting with me. I mean, what girl doesn't like being told that she's beautiful or that someone is thinking of her. It's awesome, if it's in moderation. I definitely believe in being friendly, but not necessarily friends (if that makes sense). We have to keep it somewhat of a business relationship.
If it seems you're just wanting to sext (which I will not do) with explicit messages, or if you start talking to me about other ladies you'd like to see but too scared to pull the trigger, or about sex with the wife, the conversation will abruptly end. To me, that's wasting my time.
Originally Posted by Laura Lynn
Hello Sexy and beautiful
Well I can't hobby as much as I used to. I am able to right now but decided to put it away for another time.
Bummed out by the hobby mostly because I can't do it as much as I wanted too and that I just tend to have not the greatest of luck with it.
I post alot because I'm a disabled person whom cannot work and has 0 personal life. I have no SO no friends that I go hangout with because they all have wife and kids and their own lives far away from Texas.
I have become so antisocial yet crave human interaction this is where I get it from. Am I a crazy person for this? Probably but it's all I got till I get my PC back.
I read a book a day watch some Netflix some YouTube and come here and post my thoughts on subjects or just rant like I did in the sandbox.
You said a couple of weeks ago you can't afford to hobby and now you say you're bummed out by the hobby yet post frequently. Seems you're the definition of a tire kicker if you're wasting any lady's time.
Originally Posted by TheEccie214
My previous post us a reply to this. I'm on a phone and don't know how to copy paste.
- motor
- 03-22-2016, 12:58 AM