Is $300 the new norm?

Pokey1965's Avatar
I saw this question asked in one of the review comments and I think it's a valid question for this forum. I hate to think that I joined this hobby at the time prices went up.
sunspots's Avatar
pretty much... I will certainly pay more for quality... but I am very selective....there are"providers" in Austin that I would not bang for free that want $300
Only some Quality girls charge 300$ hr.... Not All Of Them ;-)
Passion2015's Avatar
I here the word Quality. Quality to me is Full Blown GFE. What does Quality mean to you? As far as the new norm. Only if you pay it.
300 is way to high. If we would stop at 160 and pay no more the prices would come down. 200 is the max.
Yes. Get used to it
300+ per hour is increasingly becoming the target rate in the hobby. Makes sense when you consider the natural inflation of our monetary system and that providers want to make as much as possible and if they can get, more power to them. Just adjust control of your own wallet accordingly and do not let "little head" run the show.
Passion2015's Avatar
Get used to it? Nope, don't have to. There are many fish in the sea
Miss Valentina's Avatar
Fundamentals of Free-market Capitalism 101

Pussy can and will command what the market will bear for it. We are in a booming local economy with ever increasing cost of living rates. A provider cannot charge $300 without being able to get it within reason. If that's what the local market will bear, that is where you can expect the average

You can have your satisfaction with your hand and a tube sock. Your sexual gratification with a random woman who arouses both your personal aesthetic and sensual sense is neither a basic need, nor a right, therefore it is a luxury expense. That likely comes as a shock for those who feel entitled to it for cheap, free or in general.

Yes, there are huge swings in pricing and cost doesn't not always equate to quality. Again-Capitalism. Indeed, there are "plenty of fish in the sea" here but in case you haven't noticed, dongs are not scarce, they are not precious, just view the thousands of Craigslist males sniffing for poon, vs the 50 or so looking for NSA encounters. Sexually available women are rare in relation to demand. Even here.

So as much as you want to bluster about manipulating the market to stop at $160, unless there is a change in the laws- flooding the market with women who no longer have to fear LE interference who then are more free to enter this industry, or the economy collapses, (both possible) you're nothing more than a paper tiger. Your silly $160 will only buy an ever receding quality of experience.

It's funny how men just LOVE a free market, until women exercise control of their own.
Passion2015's Avatar
Pokey, no worries. There are plenty of quality ladies out there at a reasonable price point, believe me. As far as the booming market here, the only thing booming is the housing market from outsiders combining in and paying over asking price. Everything else is minimum
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
Ah feel ya buddy. Ah r'member when yew culd cross tha bridge ta Neuvo Laredo an' git laid down in Boy's Town fer a bottle of' Coca-Cola an' a lock o' yer hair so's tha puta culd take it to a bruja whut fer ta use it ta cast a spell on yew so's yew'd fall in luv wif her an' cum back ta marry her an' make her a city-zen o' tha US of A! But them's days in tha past. Thet's what Ah'm a -votin' fer Trump! So's he'll make Ahmurrica great a'gin an' bring them good ol' daze back!
I saw this question asked in one of the review comments and I think it's a valid question for this forum. I hate to think that I joined this hobby at the time prices went up. Originally Posted by Pokey1965
You joined the hobby 2 years ago ijs
Fundamentals of Free-market Capitalism 101

Pussy can and will command what the market will bear for it. We are in a booming local economy with ever increasing cost of living rates. A provider cannot charge $300 without being able to get it within reason. If that's what the local market will bear, that is where you can expect the average

You can have your satisfaction with your hand and a tube sock. Your sexual gratification with a random woman who arouses both your personal aesthetic and sensual sense is neither a basic need, nor a right, therefore it is a luxury expense. That likely comes as a shock for those who feel entitled to it for cheap, free or in general.

Yes, there are huge swings in pricing and cost doesn't not always equate to quality. Again-Capitalism. Indeed, there are "plenty of fish in the sea" here but in case you haven't noticed, dongs are not scarce, they are not precious, just view the thousands of Craigslist males sniffing for poon, vs the 50 or so looking for NSA encounters. Sexually available women are rare in relation to demand. Even here.

So as much as you want to bluster about manipulating the market to stop at $160, unless there is a change in the laws- flooding the market with women who no longer have to fear LE interference who then are more free to enter this industry, or the economy collapses, (both possible) you're nothing more than a paper tiger. Your silly $160 will only buy an ever receding quality of experience.

It's funny how men just LOVE a free market, until women exercise control of their own. Originally Posted by Miss Valentina
I only see Asian's girls, maybe that is why I am spoiled. I cannot believe even Hobbiest with above average income wants to spend 300. Sorry just not into upselling how good your pussy is, when you it it used daily. I have no problem with quality, but that is usually found in another place than here.
Passion2015's Avatar
Good point 560.