BP Cash and Dash in LBK

Festivus's Avatar
Had an apt with Mia from BP set up yesterday. I had seen her before with decent results. Yesterday I placed the donation on the nightstand. She said she had to take the $ to the front desk (it was around check out time) but for me to get comfortable and she'd be right back. My radar went off and I said, "Don't run out on me" "I won't babe". Yeah, right.

After a few minutes I knew I'd been scammed. I was tempted to do something with some of her belongings, but knew better. I did make efforts to double-check that she was okay. Later that evening she called me back (missed call) and I said, "I first want to know that you're okay. You left our visit earlier today". Click. Don't confuse her with other Mias. Sometimes she goes by Tiff.

I don't think this belongs in an Alert. Just beware.

You should have trashed her room lol
Thank you for the info; I had been thinking about calling her. Now, I certainly will not.
john_deere's Avatar
are those her actual photos? is she really 29?
Thank you for the info; I had been thinking about calling her. Now, I certainly will not. Originally Posted by cowfarmer
Thanks !
Festivus's Avatar
I think those pics might be accurate (maybe some airbrushing). She has a nice tight figure. Fairly heavy makeup in person. She claims to either be 29 or 31 which seems about right maybe a tad low.

I was on the verge of giving her a Yes recommendation (although her menu is limited) until this happened.
busternutzs's Avatar
Pics 19, 20 & 22 are her and I'm guessing 21 maybe also due to the same color of clothing.

I know who she is in real life but due the forum guidelines on outing I will not reveal her identity. She also has a history of what I am not allowed to post due to forum guidelines #15

This is her ad she also uses another ad a cell number but I can't find it right now.
Guest091618's Avatar
I spoke to her on the phone earlier inquiring about rates and if she was on eccie. she said no because 'i'm fairly new at this'