A beautiful mind is a terrible thing to waste.
Originally Posted by JohnnyYanks
I hope you're not implying that a beautiful mind = should know better than playing the pussy game.
I hope you're implying that an intelligent enough person should be able to figure out how play the game. You know, the same game y'all play in board rooms all day...both oak clad and ones that smell like french fries (even Burger King employees need a place to pretend to care about quality ingredients a few minutes before opening on Saturday morning). We just shake hands dick to mouth and not hand to hand. The same game y'all brag about, dicks in hand, in the reviews section and I'm sure your dudes only sections...we're playing that, too. A different position on the same team.
The OP's advice was fantastic advice. I would add to take the energy and time to develop an aesthetic that is true to her, but off from her daily identity. Use that aesthetic for pics, incall decor (candles, textiles, whatever), and language/verbage for board, website content, ads, emails. It's easier to take off your work uniform, so to speak, than it is to put your "true self" out there to suck all that dick. But like...be realistic. Don't say you're a young hotbody when you ain't. If you say you're a classy girl next door with a collage degree, no one will believe you because a collage is an object and college is a place, and we all know you'd stick out like a street hooker's sore thumb in Westlake. DON'T SELL WHAT YOU THINK GUYS WANT...sell what you have to offer. Boners have variable tastes, ladies.
Incorporate social media platforms that allow for clients to get small tastes of what they love. It helps to cut down on the "time wasting" emails which are energy drainers. Energy draining leads to feel good trips to the mall, which leads to more blowjobs, which leads to more "feel good" consumption. These forums also allow a gal to solidify her brand. Something easy for non-millenial businessmen to scroll through at the airport when they are tired, horny, and considering booking. Flash of stockings here, erotic art there, funny quote about slaying dick.
Oh, and it's "voila" not wa la. You know, for ads.
At the end of the day 90% of clients just want to blow their loads. Sure, it's cool when they really really prefer you to do it in your super precious sexy unique way...but if it ain't you, it'll be the next one. Ya know? So even though you take care of the important, finishing touches that help any provider succeed and no one seems to ever notice...remember that the ones who are worth your time will pick up on it. And appreciate that you aren't turning tricks in an empty apartment with an air mattress, digital clock, vodka, and crusty towels. Quality clients keep you from burning out. Self-managed self-care is what leads to the financial independence women come into the hobby seeking. Burn out leads to the flaming hate trains that too many of the women ride out on)(...and back in on...then back out on...)
Cater to the client you want, not the client you have. Many men here will use hookers for sex, as many women here use the men for money. People who genuinely grasp a reality beyond that are the ones who do well. The ones who have the great sex and the meaningful friendships. The people who get can figure out that last bit are the ones who eat the ripest sex fruit, because guess what...women have waaaaaaay more to offer sexually, erotically, and sensually than just a wet hole. The good men are the ones that know how to make it through the appropriate levels to arrive to the fun stuff. How to be a good lover to a woman 101 shit, guys.*
*I know that hookers exist so men can get laid without being good lovers or Casanovas.