Drunk purchases

MrCthulhu's Avatar
Anyone who knows me knows that I don't drink. I have an extremely low tolerance to alcohol. For reference, I've been known to get blackout drunk from a single can of Bud Light back in my high school days. So like I said - extremely low tolerance to alcohol. That's enough background info for the story.

So Sunday was Zombie Jesus Day and like any good New Orleanian, I hosted a crawfish boil and invited a couple of friends over. Like normal human beings, alcoholic beverages were brought and consumed while I imbibed upon plain old H2O. My friends know of my low tolerance to alcohol. They always try to get me to drink any way. They never succeed. It's been 13 years since my last adult beverage.

They must have added something to the crawfish boil because for some odd reason, they convinced me to drink this time. I had one Stella Artois before my memory becomes nonexistent. Further inquiries from earlier today suggest that I had 3 beers total. I was out by beer number 1.

I always thought drunk purchases were a myth and was just an excuse people used to justify a purchase that they were too embarrassed to publicly admit. No longer. I woke up this morning at my computer desk. Signed into my DNS manager with a new domain name I did not recognize. MX, CNAME, and TXT records created for said domain. For those not in the know MX, CNAME, and TXT records are bits of information needed to point a domain name at an email host. In my drunken stupor I purchased a domain name, successfully pointed it towards my personal email host, and created myself a new email.

I am now the proud owner of ilovepussy.net for at least another year. I have an email associated with said domain name, so I might as well start using that for some mischief as well. Is this how things get when you're drunk? I don't remember any of it and yet I was coherent enough to be able to create 4 different DNS records.

Anyways, I just felt like sharing my first drunken experience in 13 years.
turbo-dog's Avatar
Can I have an email account with that domain name?

Also, I'm a little surprised that that domain was available. Maybe you should redirect it to someone's official website...
Interesting story. Thanks for sharing. Good to know one's limits.
conhugeco's Avatar
If you're giving out email accounts, I'll take one. Great story btw.
That's hilarious. I'm actually surprised the domain was available. I would figure some one would be squatting on it. You should make it a site to honor cats. And then occasionally post up a message stating how you're getting tired of all these people coming to the site for less than wholesome activities.
My worst drunken purchase was a chin dildo.

I remember being on burboun street.

I remember drinking and partying.

I don't know I got home. My car didn't so I didn't drive.

I don't know how I got nakkid.

And I don't know where it came from, but when my wife woke me up screaming at 8 am, I had a chin dildo strapped to my face.

I guess I"m assuming I purchased it. I really have no idea.