
How many or you girls would like to be gangbanged?
I LOVE GANG BANGS! Usually the only time I get to have as many orgasms as I can handle.
MarandaMarie's Avatar
Me!! It's like my every other fantasy
Danson&Highsmith's Avatar

We have a couple of hot ladies interested!
Luckyducky32's Avatar
Hrm... Keep me posted..
Smoking Monkey's Avatar
A sexy time, but realize that you need to perform. If you're having problems, this is not a good thing for you.
zeejoe's Avatar
I wouldn't mind being the butt plug at marzipop's airtight party...
Sign me up. Sounds hot as hell.
I'm in!
Originally Posted by zeejoe
LMAO This is me when anything wet gets on my face. ANYTHING!
So I'm guessing water boarding and bukkake are out!
Been involved in a couple. As long as the lady is enjoying it and you like watching as well as playing they can be loads of fun.
So I'm guessing water boarding and bukkake are out! Originally Posted by HeyMikeyHeLikesIt
Waterboarding, bukkake, spitting, licking, a spray bottle, sweat, overzealous kissing, spilled beer... You get the picture.
Sounds like a blast.