I've got a new gal in my life that I want to take on a clothes shopping trip. She has almost nothing because she fled from a domestic abuse situation. So, work on the assumption that she has little to nothing to work with or any accessories.
She is in her early 30s. 5'4'' tall. Fair skinned. Curvy hips, but not what I would call obese. C-B cups? At the very least I'd like to buy her a nice dress for general day or evening wear. We will see how the rest goes. She will probably need more than the dress.
I just don't know where to take a woman to shop. Of course I know about malls, but if there are some stores I should be focused on for her then I would love to hear about them.
When you include the name of the store, please include the age range you think the store is targeting, and how expensive you think the clothes will run.
I realize that one person spends in a day might be what one person spends in a week or a month. Look at it from the perspective of someone who does not have huge piles of cash to burn. I work hard and have a decent job, but I want to do something special for this gal without selling a kidney to pay for it all.

GAP - 20s to mid 30s - low to moderate prices
This is just an example. I don't know how women view GAP or see the prices.
If you want to comment too, that would be great. Any insights you can give me will help me, help her get the most for what I am able to assist her with.
Thanks! I posted in the co-ed forum because I am hoping some of you ladies will chime in and offer advice!