Request, not request

Could the no AA providers please line up to the right and CONSPICUOUSLY place no AA in your ads and on your showcase, instead of allowing gentlemen to waste time and gas, just to get rejected at the door. Sure, i giggle about it as well, later.
I understand where you are coming from. I know it feels unfair that you have to put in more work than your fellow hobbyists.....but putting a brief physical description in your initial PM or text will save you hassles in the future. Ex. "I'm mid 40's, AA, and 5'10" Plus, if it's not necessary the lady will still appreciate having an idea of who will be knocking on her door.

Good luck out there and stay safe.
moebeedick's Avatar
Could the no AA providers please line up to the right and CONSPICUOUSLY place no AA in your ads and on your showcase, instead of allowing gentlemen to waste time and gas, just to get rejected at the door. Sure, i giggle about it as well, later. Originally Posted by Eccie_award
They're not putting it because they don't want to seem racist. I mean, why else wouldn't they put it in their Sig if they can go into detail about several other things in their information area. I've never once stated my race in an introduction. It's only come up if they've asked. I mean it is 2016 isn't it, lmao! Hi my name is moebeedick and I'm black, pleased to meet you.

I agree with you wholeheartedly OP. Sucks already to an extent that we only get to look at the first page of the menu because of NBA policies and then to have that happen. Wow! Smdh.

*steps down off soapbox*
They're not putting it because they don't want to seem racist. I mean, why else wouldn't they put it in their Sig if they can go into detail about several other things in their information area. I've never once stated my race in an introduction. It's only come up if they've asked. I mean it is 2016 isn't it, lmao! Hi my name is moebeedick and I'm black, pleased to meet you.

I agree with you wholeheartedly OP. Sucks already to an extent that we only get to look at the first page of the menu because of NBA policies and then to have that happen. Wow! Smdh.

*steps down off soapbox* Originally Posted by moebeedick
Not necessarily racist. I worked with a provider who wouldn't see black men because her kid's father was black and abusive, he tormented her for years and to make matters worse would have his friends stalk her when she put a restraining order on him. She refused to see ANY black guy bc IT WAS HER CHOICE and honestly I think it was bc she was traumatized.

I personally don't discriminate BUT I have the right to do so if I don't feel comfortable upon meeting. Example, if a black, mexican, Indian, Asian ect guy comes over and he gives me the heeby jeebies, I might say "I'm sorry I don't see (insert their ethnicity here) and just leave it at that.

This is why SCREENING is super duper important. Providers talk among one another. Professional and thorough screening includes details about the client's appearance, age, race, hygiene, ect. The provider you went to see most likely didn't do her screening, at least not the way it's supposed to be done to avoid awkward situations such as this one.

Hopefully this doesn't happen to you again. I'm sure it was frustrating having to drive and waste time. Stay safe and good night.

moebeedick's Avatar
I totally agree with you Ms. Grey. I'm just of the opinion there is such a sour stigma around race that some won't put "No AA" in their info so as not to "seem" racist. Not that they actually are. At the same time if your friends abusive ex had been white, I'm almost certain she wouldn't be saying no white guys. Ladies are free to see who they want, but I myself applaud the ladies who are upfront about it and its in their Sig or their showcase, ad, etc. At least I know ahead of time. Sometimes I want to joke with them and ask if they'll see half of me since I'm half Mexican with some (American) Indian mixed in but that's too complicated so I just say I'm blaxican, lol!
SA Angel has a great comment. I always give a description of myself as I ran into a provider who wouldn't see me when I first started hobbying as I was too "Chubby." I totally understood but it did suck as it happened once I got there also. So now I just include a brief description and include I am a larger gentlemen body wise as I know I am not every ladies cup of tea. I don't take it personal as everyone is free to pick and choose who they see.

Don't think too much about it. Just move on to next lady who will gladly take your money. Haha
I agree with sending your description in your introduction. It just helps since this is strangers meeting strangers and they know who to expect.

That being said, I love all flavors of men and ladies
flinde's Avatar
Not necessarily racist. I worked with a provider who wouldn't see black men because her kid's father was black and abusive, he tormented her for years and to make matters worse would have his friends stalk her when she put a restraining order on him. She refused to see ANY black guy bc IT WAS HER CHOICE and honestly I think it was bc she was traumatized.

I personally don't discriminate BUT I have the right to do so if I don't feel comfortable upon meeting. Example, if a black, mexican, Indian, Asian ect guy comes over and he gives me the heeby jeebies, I might say "I'm sorry I don't see (insert their ethnicity here) and just leave it at that.

This is why SCREENING is super duper important. Providers talk among one another. Professional and thorough screening includes details about the client's appearance, age, race, hygiene, ect. The provider you went to see most likely didn't do her screening, at least not the way it's supposed to be done to avoid awkward situations such as this one.

Hopefully this doesn't happen to you again. I'm sure it was frustrating having to drive and waste time. Stay safe and good night.

<3 Originally Posted by ~Arriana Grey~
That's worse than racist. That's racial profiling, then racist. If a gal is that traumatized she should not be doing this for a living.

I can't believe that no AA policies are tolerated, here or anywhere else.
willyjack's Avatar
If you don't like wasting time, tell them in your first communication.
If you don't like wasting time, tell them in your first communication. Originally Posted by willyjack
Um, flinde... No girl here is OBLIGATED to see anyone just because this is her chosen profession or side hustle. If a gal doesn't want to see a specific type of person, that's her choice, period whether you gentlemen like it or not. There are plenty of other women who don't care like myself. Find another gal to accommodate. This isn't Sizzler, we have the right to refuse no matter what the reason.
SA Angel has a great comment. I always give a description of myself as I ran into a provider who wouldn't see me when I first started hobbying as I was too "Chubby." I totally understood but it did suck as it happened once I got there also. So now I just include a brief description and include I am a larger gentlemen body wise as I know I am not every ladies cup of tea. I don't take it personal as everyone is free to pick and choose who they see.

Don't think too much about it. Just move on to next lady who will gladly take your money. Haha Originally Posted by big35hurt
Personally, chubby guys are more fun to bounce on.
willyjack's Avatar

These are the opposite of what you want, but since these ladies do SA also, it could save time.
What if the gentleman is not AA, but mixed?
That's worse than racist. That's racial profiling, then racist. If a gal is that traumatized she should not be doing this for a living.

I can't believe that no AA policies are tolerated, here or anywhere else. Originally Posted by flinde
The reason behind why she is in the hobby isn't any of my business as my opinions or judgements don't pay her bills. I was merely stating that it's not all about being racist. If it were racial profiling that she was indeed "practicing" when screening her clients, she was STILL however, screening.

If I were to see a 500Lb Samoan guy who almost suffocated me during a session, I'd be broadly racial profiling the next time a 500Lb Samoan guy showed up at my door.

That wouldn't happen though. First, how many 500Lb Samoans could there possibly be in SA? Secondly, my screening process would eliminate the chances of a it happening a second time. (Perhaps, even the first due to personal choice and the fact I don't like a lot of people in my incall at once)

It's not being shallow or racist, it's about preferences and past experiences. Maybe it wasn't the best choice this woman made being in the hobby. But as far as I know, (and could hear from the other room) her clients made her VERY happy Oh-ver and Oh-ver and Oh-ver again