Don't wish to be talent scout or daredevil

TYS269's Avatar
I seem to come across a lot of Back Page horror stories on here. I have been told 90% of providers' business in KC is from BP but even if true, seems like BP also has 90% of problems and drama. I have also been so horny to contact a few girls on BP and got absolutely no response of any kind but what I do hear from other providers is “there’s a lot of competition”, “there are so many girls and not enough guys”, etc. Seems like conflicting information….hard to find clients yet no contact with potential ones. I don’t think it’s just me but maybe I’m wrong and maybe I don’t have a large enough sample to conclude what I have but it’s how it seems to me. I realize providers have to start somewhere before they can get reviewed and get on premium sites but I guess I don’t feel like being a talent scout or daredevil. I would rather wait to see who makes it to the big leagues. I am sure there are several ladies on BP who are great and will continue to be so but too often it appears it is a game of Russian Roulette on what or who you may find when you show up for the date whether it be same girl, services as advertised, pimp with gun or whatever. Too risky for me and I don’t have to deal with it and won’t. So, I will stick with Eccie reviewed and P411 verified providers where I have had wonderful success with a lot of sweet and lovely ladies. Plenty of quality and zero issues with these 2 sources. Just my not so humble opinion. Thanks for letting me rant.
algrace's Avatar
Keep positive. The better research you do, the better the encounters you'll engage in.
BP certainly holds an allure! I applaud the guys that are able to weed through the trash and find a gem. I'm going to try and stay here and a few other spots where there are much safer options.
gfejunkie's Avatar
So, I will stick with Eccie reviewed and P411 verified providers where I have had wonderful success with a lot of sweet and lovely ladies. Plenty of quality and zero issues with these 2 sources. Originally Posted by TYS269
If it ain't broke....Don't fix it.
Please don't be a talent scout or daredevil. It's bad enough these problematic bp girls find their way to p411....I've had several gentlemen tell me they let their memberships go due to the quality of girls on p411 now. Sad, but understandable.
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
At the rate my KC rep is going, I may have to resort to KC BP next week. Oh well, I've still got a few days to pull it together.
Please don't be a talent scout or daredevil. It's bad enough these problematic bp girls find their way to p411....I've had several gentlemen tell me they let their memberships go due to the quality of girls on p411 now. Sad, but understandable. Originally Posted by Gemma34
If the gents have problems with providers, they should contact Gina.
Why would they contact her if they don't like the quality of ladies?? I'm sure they would much rather relinquish their accounts or simply not renew for that reason.
TYS269's Avatar
Please don't be a talent scout or daredevil. It's bad enough these problematic bp girls find their way to p411....I've had several gentlemen tell me they let their memberships go due to the quality of girls on p411 now. Sad, but understandable. Originally Posted by Gemma34
I must say it surprises me that several gentlemen said this about P411. Definitely not my experience, limited as it is. I'd love to hear of any other options like where these gentlemen prefer, or others, if you know. Thanks.