I have an odd little relationship, mostly platonic, sometimes sexual, with a little friend from several years ago who lives a couple minutes away from me and she was once a provider for a very brief period of time...about 6 months when she was in hardship. She still sees me in that role sporadically...but has otherwise gotten out and has a real world job. I've helped her out before, but money isn't a real issue any more.
Over the last couple years we've been friends so to speak (I even had Thanksgiving at her place once) to the point where the lines got a little blurry and this thing seems to hover right on the border between provider/client and a friends with "possible" benefits relationship. It's weird but it is what it is. There seems to be a very delicate balance and a razor thin boundary to it that has some kind of comfort zone for her and I get the impression that's why she still agrees to see me in an escort capacity as well. I prefer not to fuck that up making a dumb mistake.
Back when I was seeing her once a week or more. I discovered she likes to get a massage, a major turn on for me so I got very good at this with her and familiar with what she likes. So even after she got out of the business she still occasionally calls me up and asks for a massage "if you're not too busy"...

Over time I've gotten prettty familiar with how to read her signals during this because when I'm doing it right she exhibits some of her normal signs of sexual fulfillment. Her breathing, moans and other audio clues as well as her body movements make it obvious she's letting go a little more than one would expect during a massage and her pleasure receptors are clearly engaged despite the fact that we're not supposed to be "having sex". I guess I could characterize it as foreplay.
Now the boundaries seemingly make these little massage sessions in the realm of non sexual...sort of. Basically it's full body except for the hot spot zones. and she seems to like me coming as close as possible. I wind up massaging about 99% of her hot little body, and I leave wondering if the other 1% is possible too.
So the question is, based in her actions. do you think she wants it left where it is or not? It seems to work like this and I don't want strings getting attached either. I could ask about it but that seems like it might mess up the magic of what seems like a nice symbiotic relationship.
In your opinion does this sound like a tease intended for seduction or is it how she likes it to be?