Three Simple Steps for Keeping Varmints out of Your Coed

JohnnyYanks's Avatar
It's simple. But the operative word in this thread's title is not "varmint," it's "your." You, as a member of the board, must take ownership.

Bitching about it, whining, complaining, solves nothing. Varmints feed off of that. It's weakness, and they eat it up.

Here's practical steps for reclaiming YOUR board:

1) Never ever never reply to a thread that one of the varmints started. Never. Ever. They glory in number of responses and view count. Let them talk amongst themselves until they bore their dim brains to sleep. Yes, even dim bulbs get bored.

2) Bump threads by local members. Push those silly varmint threads right off the front page. Do it in shifts, if need be. Start a thread and sign up: take 30 minute or one hour shifts. Bump bump bump. It can be great fun. Believe me when I tell you: the troll fatties will lose their stamina and move on.

3.) Do one and two, over and over again. That's it! You need do nothing else. But, you need do something. Starting now.

Claim your board back KC.
gfejunkie's Avatar
There is strength in numbers.
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
There is strength in numbers. Originally Posted by gfejunkie
Indeed there is.

I should have mentioned in the OP, there are also Steps 4, 5 and 6, which, for trademarking reasons, need remain private for now.
KCQuestor's Avatar
This. So much this.

One thing any online gamer knows is "Don't feed the trolls". Never, ever give them what they want. What they want is attention. Stop complaining, stop responding, stop noticing. They will get bored talking to themselves.
Mike Vronsky's Avatar
Yes, you can stop feeding the trolls. The issue you have though is that they believe they control the board and no one else has any conversational value. So they will respond to their own threads. They will get their minions to join in so you will see the same 2-4 people posting trying to keep their threads alive while shutting down the rest of the board. It is up to the rest of the board to prevent that from happening.

Yanks has a good point.
Mike Vronsky's Avatar
Like I said. You will see the same 2-4 people trying to keep their threads alive to shut down the rest of the board. You can see it happening.
Mike Vronsky's Avatar
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
It's easy peasy.
Whispers's Avatar
Bumping threads from months back that even the local members lost interest in?


Perhaps identifying the problem that attracted "varmints" in the first place and dealing with it would be in the communities best interest.

here you simply have the same thing that was going on..... An outsider determining what is relevant for you to read.
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
Nonsense! I am merely organically continuing a discussion already started and of interest to the locals.

Plus, I might soon be a KC resident. As much as it would pain me to leave the great state of Texas.
Whispers's Avatar
Believe what you wish but you are no different......

But you need to pick up the pace!
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
If you had ever actually visited the Midwest, you'd know that the favored pace is slow but steady,
Whispers's Avatar
My Grandkids are nearby in Wichita and every summer I have to take them somewhere.... This year it's some dinosaur themed restaurant and an amusement park in KC.... before home to Texas...

I'm sorry if that makes me a "varmint"... But the only "rides" I want to get on wil linvolve a local gal....

The Pace here in Texas is a bit more brisk
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
"A bot"? Funny slip, huh?
Whispers's Avatar
I tend to mistype a word here or there.....

Back to work now Johnny.... Did you get laid off again? You don't usually have this much time on your hands..... That sucks....

Maybe Varmint COntrol can generate some money for you.