Girls cheating is ok!!!

nuglet's Avatar

fun article.. funny! Research was done at UT austin
pinehurst#2's Avatar
yes I agree...that's ok...
My initial thought is that the first thing through most guys mind would be if he can participate next time. Beyond that I think it’s become socially acceptable for females to be bisexual. The same can’t be said if the shoe was on the other foot. I would guess that a woman’s first thought if she discovered her significant other cheated with the same sex is that he will leave her for another man because he is gay. Plus it’s not nearly as socially acceptable. While I can boast to select friends about my wife and mine adventures I don’t think the inverse would true. I don’t think a woman can tell her friends about her significant other being with another guy and the other ladies be envious.
Stand by, let me ask the wife… ok she agrees
nuglet's Avatar
LOL, didja' really have to ask?
just wanted a womans opinion since i was speaking for them.
nuglet's Avatar
I checked with mine and she said it was ok if I do whatever she says..
she reminds me of mine then.
  • Paven
  • 02-01-2011, 08:13 PM
Such opened minded wahines you married, lucky guys lol.
ok i admit I had to google wahine.
  • Paven
  • 02-01-2011, 09:19 PM
Ain't Google something else? lol

Sorry the Hawaiian slipped out, but you learned something new
in the meantime haha.