Hello Guys! I am just curious what the most important things you look for when you are choosing your provider? What makes you want to return?
Any advice or input would be appreciated 🤗🤗
Xoxoxo Raven 😘
Originally Posted by MissLady35
1. Overall hotness. I have to be attracted to the person to even get me to the point of considering contacting the provider.
2. Reliability. This comes in many forms and good impressions start at the beginning. How prompt is the girl in replying? How prompt is she when I am serious? Does she keep open lines of communication-- especially after date has been set/confirmed. Nothing bothers me more than a girl who goes silent once I've decided to pull the trigger with her.
3. Value of service. This is very subjective and variable. If a girl is a solid 10, offers the services I seek at a relatively reasonable market rate; I value her service a bit higher than a girl who is a solid 8, offers slightly less than I desire at a rate I think is inflated. On the other hand, a girl who is a solid 8, with the services I desire and at a lower donation than the solid 10, I will go with the 8 if the cost difference is significant (i.e. >$50 to $100).
4. Reputation. These are the intangibles. Is the girl a clock-watcher not? Is she really into it or more like going through the motions, etc.