When should a reference expire?

BabyDallass's Avatar
I know this question will get all sorts of different answers, but I want to know when do you think it's been too long for a client to use you as a reference? I had a girl contact me for a guy I had seen on here 3 years ago! Lol I told her yea I had seen him, but that was years ago. I don't get why a guy would even think it would be ok to use a girl as a reference that you seen one time years and years ago. I personally do not give references out for someone I haven't seen recently and I mean in the last year....it sounds so dumb when a girl calls me and is like "hey girl do you remember "John" he seen you like 2 years ago at his lake house in hot springs". First off, I will not remember! I have a lot of Clients just like "John" lol So don't waste her time or mine. Let's try and keep our references FRESH, stop pulling ones out the bag from years ago. Nobody will even remember you....sorry but true
I completely agree, Baby Dallass. I deal with this all the time and it's very frustrating.

By giving a reference, I'm basically putting my professional reputation on the line to another provider, ensuring her that the gentleman is safe to see. If years have gone by, a lot could've changed & I'm not comfortable vouching.

There's actually a pretty good chance that I might not even have his information anymore... 6 months is my policy.

Great topic, btw. One that definitely needs to be addressed!
BabyDallass's Avatar
I feel the same way. It should be recent or don't use the provider as a reference. I have seen clients before who at the time told me they were in training to be a cop. It dosnt take long to finish up the course and become one. That is my thing...it's just not safe.
BabyDallass's Avatar
Even when a client uses a provider he seen years ago or even a year ago I don't even waste her or my time with it. And I tell him that it's been too long and I need a recent reference...I don't feel safe with old references.
It expires whenever the lady says it does. Seems very simple to me.
Victoriajolie's Avatar
I also had guys using me from years ago actually the record was 8 years ago lol
Or using me over douzen times..So you wonder geezz any of thèse can give him an current an accurate reference?
..That been said they are ladies that aren't so professional to reply to reference requests and i'm not sure if it's because they do not wish to help guys to see other ladies...But at time guys resort to reliable references..From years ago

Of course for us it's hard to know if it's because other ladies won't givre them references as their behavior isn't good like before or just flaky references.

The best is to ask your references if you can use them and be as specific as possible to the lady you wish to see

Danielle Reid's Avatar
It expires when I don't remember them anymore.

Although it doesn't matter what sort of reference I give anyone. As long as he's not a serial killer or a cop ladies will still see him with the "I hope he doesn't do it to me" excuse.

Honestly, if it's older than 6 months and he hasn't written a review then there's a good chance I never saw him or he was an assfuck.