For Fun: Evaluating Ejaculates

LearnedHand's Avatar
Scenario: 3 observable launches in 7 hours. no sex for 72 hours prior to first launch.


1. First was thick and viscous, bubbling over her hand like a volcano..
2. 4 hrs later: Second more intense, with equal viscosity, same volcano-action, with less volume.
3. 3 hrs later: much more intense. minimal viscosity. liquid shot 8 inches in the air. small volume.

Miss Valentina's Avatar

Scenario: 3 observable launches in a 30 hour period. 1 Indian, 1 BBQ, 1 Taco Truck before first launch.

1. Launch was deliriously forceful. 9:30 am. Curled around the bowl. Orange-brown in color. That ones gonna obliterate my co-workers nostril hairs.
2. Equal viscosity, same volcano-action. 9:45 pm. Jesus Christ!! Where'd all this corn come from?
3. 7 am next morning. Much more intense. Peppered the toilet bowl. Color and texture of Tapatio. My girlfriend cried.
playingnthedark's Avatar
Thats just not right Ms V .............. lmao
Miss Valentina's Avatar
I'm betting someone will care about as much as a fictional male character's bowel movement habits as the OP's ejaculatory journal but then I'm not surprised by anything that happens here so by all means, let's continue the dialog on orifice secretions. Viva!
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 04-22-2016, 02:47 PM

1). No orgasm for 7 days previously. Intense contractions followed by nuclear warhead expansion with the consistency of watered down tapioca. Ricochets killed neighbors cat {lawsuit filed} and temporarily blinded two passersby. Damage to local windows significant, evoking local hazmat team for cleanup.

2). 4 hours later. Slow dribble barely covering head. Got a few giggles & a "is that all"? Tried to explain the first explosion had me a bit tentative & concerned about further litigation. Somewhat intense & think I pulled an anal muscle

3). 4 hours later. Belching sounds of hot air similar to a steam engine as it starts to crank up. No physical evidence. Intense pain (mine) resulting in a blood curdling scream causing neighbors (the ones who could still see) to activate the local community alarm system. Major shrinkage in involved. I think I'm injured.
Miss Valentina's Avatar
Heh heh heh

1). No orgasm for 7 days previously. Intense contractions followed by nuclear warhead expansion with the consistency of watered down tapioca. Ricochets killed neighbors cat {lawsuit filed} and temporarily blinded two passersby. Damage to local windows significant, evoking local hazmat team for cleanup.

2). 4 hours later. Slow dribble barely covering head. Got a few giggles & a "is that all"? Tried to explain the first explosion had me a bit tentative & concerned about further litigation. Somewhat intense & think I pulled an anal muscle

3). 4 hours later. Belching sounds of hot air similar to a steam engine as it starts to crank up. No physical evidence. Intense pain (mine) resulting in a blood curdling scream causing neighbors (the ones who could still see) to activate the local community alarm system. Major shrinkage in involved. I think I'm injured. Originally Posted by Toyz
...and, he is back.
Victoria Columbari's Avatar
Thanks for the laughs Miss V and Toyz. Seriously too funny.