question about internet sites

CarolinaGent's Avatar
When I started in the hobby, I didn't have a computer yet (like '95) and resorted to picking agencies out the the yellow pages. Luckily I found a good one before advertising became outlawed. I found a few providers from there that I was happy with and stuck with them for quite a while. I took a break from the hobby, but then around 2006-2007 I decided to come out of retirement and searched for sites that listed escorts. I found Eros and had mixed results. My first question is how long had sites such as Eros been around ? I know I was late to the game, but then it probably took time for it to gain ground in areas such as NC.

My second question is how long did it take for the review sites such as this, TER, Big Doggie, etc to get big ? I knew they existed for a while, but since they required memberships to read the reviews I put it off. I just started joining review sites less than a year ago. I don't require alot of variety so I just kinda stuck with the same people. The flaw being when they move on, I was stuck back at square one.
gfeamanda's Avatar
The Eros-Guide front page says they're celebrating their 13th year Their website was registered in 1997. Bigdoggie was registered two years later, in 1999, as was The Erotic Review. I know they were popular by at least 2003 but am curious, too, as to when they first gained popularity...