Advanced Web Designer

Perfect Playmate's Avatar
I am looking for a website that is going to exceed my skills. I am great at building websites for ladies and small businesses but I am looking for something much more technical. If you are in this field of work and have some sample work/ website you can show me. A professional. Please send me a pm. I am not looking to trade but to pay for your services. I will talk specifics in private to see if what I am looking for, is something you can handle. Thank you!
Perfect Playmate's Avatar
Thank you all! I got what I needed!!
I am also interested in a professional web site builder as well. Same web site builders email me what you offer
Please get ahold of me whatever way works best for you!
In addition, maybe send an idea of what I'll be paying as well?
Thanks loves!
<3 Angel <3
chetmanly's Avatar
You can take a look at
I am also interested in a professional web site builder as well. Same web site builders email me what you offer Originally Posted by Jesse Taylor
Are you currently available for booking Jessie?
I am also interested in a professional web site builder as well. Same web site builders email me what you offer Originally Posted by Jesse Taylor
Check your pms Jessie, I think your inbox might be full or something.
Cherrywang's Avatar
Anyone looking for a robust and responsive website should feel free to ask me. I have an excellent WordPress designer I work with though the guy is not cheap.

Why Do I like or Recommend Him
1- Free maintenance for up to one year
2- Very good at SEO
3- He designs websites that passes Google tests
4- Free advise on how to market your website
5- Always ready to help
6- Great at competitor analysis though you will have to pay
7- Advise on link building best practices
sexyfog's Avatar
I am offering free website development to first 11 girls . If you have your domain and hosting ready, We can start Immediately. But If you dont have domain and Web-hosting, you have to pay for that Only . I will not charge any development fee, but accept donations afterwards if you are amazed with my work.

Pm me if you are'seriously interested !
I need a web designer.....
Anyone looking for a robust and responsive website should feel free to ask me. I have an excellent WordPress designer I work with though the guy is not cheap.

Why Do I like or Recommend Him
1- Free maintenance for up to one year
2- Very good at SEO
3- He designs websites that passes Google tests
4- Free advise on how to market your website
5- Always ready to help
6- Great at competitor analysis though you will have to pay
7- Advise on link building best practices Originally Posted by Cherrywang
Can he do pimp detection?
Cherrywang's Avatar
What do you mean by pimp detection?
Can he do pimp detection? Originally Posted by royamcr
Explain pimp detection please.
Cherrywang's Avatar
I am happy to share with you guys my finished product from the designer I was talking about. Hope y'all like it and I will be happy to have some comments please