Krystal Curves

Is Krystal still around?
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Last login was Jan 21st. There has been no request to close the account, so.....who knows.
Move to Welcome and Introductions?

Welcome Techy!!!
no clue


text her
Tirolian's Avatar
Let me know if you get a hold of her
She is still around but think UTR, not that 5his helps you much.
Tirolian's Avatar
Figured as much. Saw her once right when I got on the site and then she disappeared. It was like having an amazing steak and then someone telling you meats off he menu. I cry myself to sleep at night.
cowboy8055's Avatar
Her showcase is gone so either utr or gone
Curves that will make you crash right here, and twinkle twinkle eyes. Sit back and observe and try to not keep crashing running into the curb .. I rhymed

Good luck finding that special one, and next time you're in the mood for a beautiful city and the most beautiful curves on the most beautiful women anywhere (well besides Puerto Rico of course) come down south to San Antonio the heart of Texas xoxox Mucho Besitos xoxo K