Incense Lost but How?

dumars's Avatar
This is something I have NEVER done! In the interest of self defense I had to put this PM up here. Could've put it in the Men's lounge but no, here is good.

I was engaged, in what I thought was a purely innocent PM convo with Savanah Moon but, somehow, it went south. I am absolutely blown away. Can you say what "WTF" means?

It basically starts a day or two ago . . .

Me: "You might find interest in my reply to your post!

That's it!

Don Quixote"

I open my PM this afternoon and find

Savanah: " Honestly I don't see my hair being a give away
Not like my mug smacked up all around internet...

Then me: "Perhaps not madam, and you're right. Anybody on the outside who might recognize you probably would not want to explain how they know you!

Also, good bet your family sees you differently than you see yourself.

Then it goes south! No rhyme, no reason, just fell out of the sky!!!

Savanah: "Let me get this correct
You are talking shit about me
Whom you have never met & my family
& my children"

Don't believe me? I wouldn't either! Here's the screenshot . . .

It gets better, she fires back again, without warning and condescending as hell.

Savanah: "I'm certain the same can said about you
That's why you have to pay.
And while I am obtaining my Engineering degree this Fall
I will keep in mind how happy I am not being you"

Again, screen shot! Too unbelievable otherwise! There were two more from me after this but this is enough. I put in the red for emphasis.


Savannah Moon's Avatar
First you were poking at me through PM
So I would respond to your remark about cutting my head off
In another thread
You want to criticize & speculate what my family & friends think about me
You don't know me
You have NEVER met me
Who is going to be YOUR WK
in this conversation
You want to sling sand and cry if I respond
dumars's Avatar
My favorite one liner has born fruit. Ain't got the clue what the "assumption" was though!
Savannah Moon's Avatar
My favorite one liner has born fruit. Ain't got the clue what the "assumption" was though! Originally Posted by dumars
Still LOL
what are you assuming that I misunderstood or so and I think it's pretty black and white what you said to me you need cheerleaders to come along and back you up on that
dumars's Avatar
That madam is called assuming! Kindly read my signature line.

To crop a photograph, you cut it out or off, in this case your head! That has to be explained?

You may want to examine your own reading comprehension skills. I did not criticize anything about you! AGAIN, you're ASSUMING, based on what, ain't gotta clue.

First you were poking at me through PM
So I would respond to your remark about cutting my head off
In another thread
You want to criticize & speculate what what my family & friends think about me
You don't know me
You have NEVER met me
Who is going to be YOUR WK
in this conversation
You want to sling sand and cry if I respond
LOL Originally Posted by Savannah Moon
Savannah Moon's Avatar
That madam is called assuming! Kindly read my signature line.

To crop a photograph, you cut it out or off, in this case your head! That has to be explained?

You may want to examine your own reading comprehension skills. I did not criticize anything about you! AGAIN, you're ASSUMING, based on what, ain't gotta clue.

Originally Posted by dumars
Based on your sarcastic better than thou attitude.. And inability to communicate
I have Doubles to prepare for with people who don't troll & criticize
Hate to say it Dumars but revealing private communications among members may get you some points.

You come across as though you are smarter then most just proved that your not!

Second...if you have anytime in the hobby you would know you wont win an argument with a provider....Im still wearing my titty clamps

Lets get back to politics shall we....oy vey

Savannah shall I hand my clamps over to him?
Savannah Moon's Avatar
Hate to say it Dumars but revealing private communications among members may get you some points.

You come across as though you are smarter then most just proved that your not!

Second...if you have anytime in the hobby you would know you wont win an argument with a provider....Im still wearing my titty clamps

Lets get back to politics shall we....oy vey

Savannah shall I hand my clamps over to him? Originally Posted by BigDeal
We've had so much fun with them over the years
But I do believe he should have them at this point!!
I was under the impression that it was not allowed to do what he's doing but since it concerns me I'm sure that they're going to let this flow for a while lol
dumars's Avatar
Sorry, have to defend myself, regardless of potential consequence. Can't let this go. Just too stupid!

I've NEVER felt a need to defend myself from ANY lady in 15 years. This one would be a first. Although, lady's hitting conclusions or context out of the park has been seen before.

No, I'm not smart but I am familiar with my native tongue. Even at almost 67 I do pretty good.

Only thing I have to say about any of this is HOLY PHUCK'N SHIT!

Another one liner I like. "Go with what you know, not what you think!" Goes well with "assumption".

Hate to say it Dumars but revealing private communications among members may get you some points.

You come across as though you are smarter then most just proved that your not!

Second...if you have anytime in the hobby you would know you wont win an argument with a provider....Im still wearing my titty clamps

Lets get back to politics shall we....oy vey

Savannah shall I hand my clamps over to him? Originally Posted by BigDeal

No, I'm not smart but I am familiar with my native tongue. Even at almost 67 I do pretty good.! Originally Posted by dumars
Superman does good
you do well
Savannah Moon's Avatar
As I felt the need to defend myself
Don't throw sand if you intend to cry if I defend myself!!
I didn't call you out of your name√
I stood up for myself√
maybe you've gotten too used to throwing sand at people and then letting you get by with it I'm not the one that's going to do that√
I did it privately I didn't do it out in front of everybody and I did not call you names or anything remotely close to that but I did stand up for myself and I will continue to do that for anybody else who wants to put me in that position √
have a wonderful Mother's Day folks to all the moms and to all of the dads who played the
role of Mom
Love you ALL
dumars's Avatar
Well, I've said what I'm gonna say. Evidence is there for all. Whatever conclusions you draw are your own.

I can leave with this, Ms Moon has given a whole new meaning to the phrase "taking things out of context"! Or is it that she views everything in the negative or sinister. God knows how common that is.
Savannah Moon's Avatar
Throw sand in the sand box at me again Sir and we can go round 2
Anytime.. Except for when I am focused on more important matters ..
Such as everything else in my life.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
I was going to say something but BD covered it, so I'll clarify a bit.
Hate to say it Dumars but revealing private communications among members may get you some points. Originally Posted by BigDeal
And on various gals dns lists, and yes points from our playpen supervisors.

You come across as though you are smarter then most just proved that your not! Originally Posted by BigDeal
But does he realize it?

Second...if you have anytime in the hobby you would know you wont win an argument with a provider....Im still wearing my titty clamps ? Originally Posted by BigDeal
With any woman actually, and congratulations for enduring the pain for this long.

Lets get back to politics shall we....oy vey
Savannah shall I hand my clamps over to him? Originally Posted by BigDeal
Wow, I thought they were permanently embedded by now.
dumars's Avatar
In light of the screen shots I have trouble grasping how you two guys can even suggest that I did something wrong. Absolutely flabergasted!
