Would I be welcomed???

Trinity Kane's Avatar
I've been touring the South for years now. I'm based in Central Arkansas but I've been wanting to take my tours another direction.. So I guess the question remains...

If I were to travel to New York would I be welcomed by hard cocks and opened wallets??
Or would I be left all alone in a cold hotel room with no one to play with me??
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NYhorndog's Avatar
Please do head to Rochester in the near future
Carlos Danger's Avatar
Price too high whew
lickidyclit's Avatar
Price too high whew Originally Posted by Carlos Danger
Well now gorgeous, it appears that if you sharpened your pencil a bit, we might just get to see CD's first review !
Carlos Danger's Avatar
As mentioned in your "most popular wny poster?" ThreD, I'll need no review template to gain recognition whew
Price too high whew Originally Posted by Carlos Danger
always on board w CD the guy gives a simple and honest response and he gets ripped. A beautiful young lady posts a ? and pics. CD see it and thinks at another price point he is in. I think same thing. Now it may not make sense for a beautiful woman like this to come here and do 100 hh and 150 hrs with her expenses and what not but don't be offended if someone gives an honest response. Here's my response I love the look of this girl. I would love to bang her and would treat her w respect. That being said I can't afford nor justify 300 an hour. It's funny when Lauren Luva travels here alwAys a review or 2 but often bypasses area or cancels due to lack of bookings.
It's funny when Lauren Luva travels here alwAys a review or 2 but often bypasses area or cancels due to lack of bookings. Originally Posted by tinyisgreat
It's as if you don't realize that the majority of clients don't review. Few reviews doesn't necessarily mean an unsuccessful trip.
trojantide's Avatar
Actually good discussion. Yes, you are a little on the high side for this market but a few VP's are charging that. With 5 pages of all yes reviews, I'd guess you'd do fine. But I also agree with Carlos and tiny, I'd pass at that rate.
I hope you make the trip. It's really nice in western ny in the summer. Lots of lakes and wineries to explore.
randombl's Avatar
Shouldn't we just not leave input if its a no...

Sorry miss not my type.
Trinity Kane's Avatar
Lol My touring rates are known to be different at times because I realize the difference in the markets in different cities and states. Take Houston and Dallas for example. The pussy market is in higher demand then here in Central AR and there are tons more providers to choose from. I take all of that into consideration when I go on tour and adjust my rates from time to time as I see fit. But I've also realized over the years that there are just as many hobbyist willing to pay my regular rate as there are hobbyist that don't want to.
3xThis I am a big fan of wnyhorndog. I like his type of women I like his choice of price point and I like his comments. That being said his comment please come to Rochester when his past record does not support ability or willingness to spend her asking price. Chances are he said it to be nice as he seems like an awesome guy yet realistically if she did come to Rochester he probably would not book where if she was 150/200 hr he likely would.

This makes him neither cheap or bad only smart and prudent in acknowledging his spending limits. Simply put 300 can get u 2 girls at 150 or 1 girl at 300. For some there are providers that u r that interested in seeing u can justify 300 and for some the urge to HOBBY twice as often and the avail choices at 150 i.e. Kelly lovejoy sexyangelbaby Sadie make that a better choice. There is no one answer no right or wrong
Lol My touring rates are known to be different at times because I realize the difference in the markets in different cities and states. Take Houston and Dallas for example. The pussy market is in higher demand then here in Central AR and there are tons more providers to choose from. I take all of that into consideration when I go on tour and adjust my rates from time to time as I see fit. But I've also realized over the years that there are just as many hobbyist willing to pay my regular rate as there are hobbyist that don't want to. Originally Posted by Trinity Kane
you do come here and I hope there are many that can pay ur price. Frankly u r incredibly hot great reviews and seem like a sweetheart. It's women like u that make guys spend beyond their means as what man wouldn't love to play w u. WOW. But just like buying a home or a car staying within one's means is what keeps out of bankruptcy.if u come and I get to enjoy the reviews of a couple guys w the means to experience u I will revel in their joy but many folks can afford a days pay to enjoy u but not 2 or 3 days pay
Iso#1gfe's Avatar
You fucking people kill me, you drop to 250 On an upstate VP that has been recycled over and over and over again yet when somebody new wants to come to the area oh my fucking God she cost 300 an hour I can't pay for that.
This chick has five pages of positive reviews yet no one will take a chance because she cost 300 bucks an hour, SMH!!
I have my range when I have the money to see girls and if I wanna see someone that charges what she does I will, doesn't mean you have to come here and slam her for her prices.

Not everyone is a broke John that uses this site.
Amber Does's Avatar
It's as if you don't realize that the majority of clients don't review. Few reviews doesn't necessarily mean an unsuccessful trip. Originally Posted by bustybabygirl
Trinity Kane's Avatar
I don't exactly feel as if I'm being slammed for my prices. Like I have said earlier I understand the different markets. My rate is my rate and I do choose to tour and run specials with lower rates from time to time. This is a hobby and I understand the needs and wants of the guys as well as the ins and outs of this business. But once I do go on tour and have my rates set for that particular tour I will not change my prices. They will be set in stone until my tour is complete. And for the guys who want to negotiate those rates well you will be fired...

lol see my coed thread from the Arkansas board

I'm simply making an inquiry as to whether or not the gentlemen would like to see me come. Some will say yes, some will say no. This happens in every city and state. I'm not the provider for everyone and I fully understand that. But for the guys that do enjoy my company and want me to tour their areas know that their time and money will not be wasted. I'm their professional lover and the time we spend together is well worth the money. I have all yes recommendations in my reviews, have been know. To turn a hh session into a 3 hour session because of my GFE skills and I enjoy each and every minute I spend with my clients on and off the board. I love what I do and take pride in being one of Arkansas's Top Tier Providers. I'm eager to please and easy going. So with that being said, I hope you guys will welcome me to your state with open arms, hard cocks, and of course white envelopes as I plan on welcoming your into my hotel room with a nice smile, wet kitty, open mouth and maybe a glass of wine before we ravish one another into exhaustion and ecstasy. But if not then I'll stay my southern ass in the south and keep on doing what I do best. Fuck and be fucked.

Xo Xo