Bernie Ain't Goin' Away

He just keeps winning primaries.

What would be a real hoot is if he actually went into the Convention with more votes garnered by actually winning, but lost the Dem's nomination because the the Party's Super Hacks went with Hillary.

Just my opinion, I think his master plan is to wait until the FBI recommends indicting Hillary, and he will be sitting there with all of those delegates, forcing the Party to nominate a man who is a socialist, and NOT a Democrat.

Trump's taking notice. It's now "Crazy Bernie".
Should he win it would be a jackass running against another jackass.
  • DSK
  • 05-11-2016, 08:58 AM
Should he win it would be a jackass running against another jackass. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Well, politics can be messy.
Should he win it would be a jackass running against another jackass. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
And YOU want to pick BOTH of their dingleberries, right EKIM !
LovingKayla's Avatar
Should he win it would be a jackass running against another jackass. Originally Posted by i'va biggen

And that makes this election different how? Besides the fact they all suck. We usually don't wrap our heads around that till we elect one and find out what a tool they are.
And YOU want to pick BOTH of their dingleberries, right EKIM ! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
Suck 'em dry rey with his usual faggot reply's that have nothing pertaining to the OP.
bern is the face and future of the dim party
Trump is the future of the party of NO.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
this year's political races .. in one song

vote for the butterfly candidate

... he will be sitting there with all of those delegates, forcing the Party to nominate a man who is a socialist, and NOT a Democrat...
Originally Posted by Jackie S
Don't you remember? Debbie Wasserman Poodle could not differentiate between a Democrat and a Socialist. She's the party chair.

And that makes this election different how? Besides the fact they all suck. We usually don't wrap our heads around that till we elect one and find out what a tool they are. Originally Posted by LovingKayla
Don't stay a stranger Kayla.