How technology plays an important role in this hobby

I thought this was interesting, technology does make it easier though.
Rodram's Avatar
Thanks for the link, very informative.
A thought-provoking article. A few personal observations:

1. Nice to see pimps are being cut out by this new trend. What a bunch of worthless parasites!

2. “You’ll make about 50 percent more with a good boob job,” observed one. In general, that may be true. I personally hate fake. Big naturals, small naturals, doesn't matter -- I seek a real human being, not a Barbie doll. But then, I'm weird.

3. It's more than financial resources, or lack thereof, that separate SWs from escorts. Poverty is a state of mind, it seems. Once or twice I'll read, in the "Other Reviews", that rare story by a guy who, for whatever reason, tries to help a SW by getting her a cell 'phone, computer, etc. -- only to find, weeks or months later, that her 'phone or internet is no longer in service.

4. Corollary to #3: I admire you ladies (especially those of you with "staying power", vice the latest "flavor of the month" -- Athena, Likinikki, Addison Rylee, to name just a few) for your entrepreneurship, focus, and persistence: when you're not exercising your erotic skills, you're tending to personal grooming, hygiene, and fashion; logistics (incall and "supplies"); security; advertising; communications; and finance -- and maintaining your personal charm and appeal all the while.