What are you kidding. I just looked at your showcase. All but three are hot to me. The three I do not care for I bet other would like. And that is out of 16 current. Others that you have had in the past where also very good.
Of the current top row of 5, 1,4 and 5 do little for me. The rest smoking hot to me.
Your current one you have for a avatar. I want to bite your neck and nibble a ear. If I get a hair ball from hair on the way. OHWELL. But I will leave
NO marks.
edit: mmmm Gabrielle current avatar. Why do I feel like I want to kiss that ass. Don't worry Brooke 5 in your showcase make me want to kiss yours. Or would you rather I save it to kiss inner thighs taking a short break from ahhhhhhhhhh hold that thought.