There is also a very good chance that if you are using WiFi hot spots that the ISP has supplier blocked many TOR ips and/or just denies outbound access to adult sites due to actual or perceived security issues. Or to maybe kids might be using the wifi?
Or, perhaps the TOR itself is not blocked but the destination IP comes through and is blocked as an adult site. I get that all too frequently at some hotels and also at certain restaurants, bars and even a Krispy Kreme recently.
Originally Posted by ck1942
As I said before, use a different bridge.
If you are having trouble at Hotspots use a PT, plugable transport, I like Stego and Meek. Meek has better support but Stego has http and https inerchange Scramble suit is pretty cool and guards against that so called tracking a poster eluded too. It's a finger print change between NODS.
The guys at Carnegie did recieve 25 million to work on tracing TOR and did have a method. Like all things we came up with a work around.