Giving Dome; Have You Heard This Expression?

I am 30 yeas old and never have in my life.

A friend said it tonight in conversation. I don't know why, but I find it utterly hilarious.
rduke4923's Avatar
I am 30 yeas old and never have in my life.

A friend said it tonight in conversation. I don't know why, but I find it utterly hilarious. Originally Posted by Victoria of Houston
No but i get it.
I was young in N.J. and the the question was " do you give skull?"

Regional stuff that makes it interesting.

R Duke
" do you give skull?"
Originally Posted by rduke4923
This is even more hilarious to me and sounds downright kinky, ha!
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 05-15-2016, 01:44 AM
I always liked slob on the knob.
Fishpie's Avatar
First heard "dome" in the 90s. The one that makes me laugh is "giving neck".
  • pxmcc
  • 05-15-2016, 02:15 AM
have you heard, "do you smoke skull?" lol.
goddammit pisto, if you give me another infraction, ima call u a pussy, course another infraction....lmfao.
then ima bump a thread, n voila,..another 90 day ban lol. definitely worth it, on principle alone. better get my reviews in now...bahahaha... or for u natalia, jajaja.....
oh while i'm at it, if i've offended you natalia, i want to offer my sincerest apologies. "Bless me mother, for i have sinned. i can't remember when i had my last confession. but i've been a bad bad boy, and had more naughty thoughts than hector had when he was a pup. or something." jajaja... and so it goes. sure, see ya'll in 90 days.

btw, did ya'll know that dolphins sleep with half their brain while the other half runs the show? and then the hemipheres switch off. guess both halfs shutting down doesn't work too well when u gotta surface for air every few mins. poor whitney houston, she was never trained by the dolphins. even sharks know better.
I think RioLobo found somebody to share his wine, and they followed up with bourbon and Natalia
pyramider's Avatar
To the OP, I have never that term and I am old. It's doubtful it's a regional term unless the region is full of bald fucktards. I find myself looking forward to pxmc's next ban. I also look forward to you posting taint photos.
ognob's Avatar
  • ognob
  • 05-15-2016, 04:17 AM

giving dome
giving brain
giving knowledge

if you listen to hip hop you've heard those terms a million times.
chicagoboy's Avatar
goddammit pisto, if you give me another infraction, ima call u a pussy, course another infraction....lmfao.
then ima bump a thread, n voila,..another 90 day ban lol. definitely worth it, on principle alone. Originally Posted by pxmcc
Dorian Gray's Avatar
have you heard, "do you smoke skull?" lol.
goddammit pisto, if you give me another infraction, ima call u a pussy, course another infraction....lmfao.
then ima bump a thread, n voila,..another 90 day ban Originally Posted by pxmcc

Mach es nochmal
[Cool story,bro. Do it again]
kerwil62's Avatar

giving dome
giving brain
giving knowledge

if you listen to hip hop you've heard those terms a million times. Originally Posted by ognob
This right here!
  • cr76
  • 05-15-2016, 08:20 AM
There's a movie called

"I accidentally domed your son."

3 friends accidentally kill one of their own.
Wakeup's Avatar
Sounds like something an ethnic would say...
Wakeup.....what do the non ethnic say....... Will you suck my Peter? Johnson.... Oh I forgot.....cock