Vaginal flatulence

…is quite possibly one of the most mortifying things that can happen to a female.

Imagine being face down, rear end sticking up in the air, and feeling a TON of air rush into you. If you contract your muscles, the air WILL come out. If you sit up or roll over, the air will still be expelled. Any movement you make will cause the air to come out. What goes in, must come out. Unlike a regular “fart”, a woman CANNOT get up and excuse herself from the room. There are no means of “holding it in” so to speak. And…when the air is expelled, it’s incredibly uncomfortable (not quite painful…but definitely not pleasant).

The sound produced is so un-lady like, and I generally have the urge to hide under the bed and cry when it happens.

I’ve done some reading today, and it seems that the male partner plays a key role in whether or not air gets trapped in the vagina.

So whose fault is it anyway ;-)

Hmmm… thoughts?
raedy4funn45's Avatar
I have had it happen during a session, and it doesn't bother me. Totally natural.
Hmmm very interesting question Brittany. I do not get weirded out or anything when a woman does that cause I know it happens during play time. I do know that some woman may feel uncomfortable with it, but I try my best to not point it out and just continue on with what ever it is we are doing.
spaceman181's Avatar
That has been the universal reaction of women I have been with. But I know of no guy who is the least bit offended by it. Its sex, which involves bodies. Bodies do things like that once in a while. Relax and go back to enjoying yourself.
It doesn't bother me at all since I'm the reason the air got there to begin with. I love pussy play so it's natural that sometimes a lot of air gets in and it's gotta come out sometime. Like other posters have implied, it's something that seems to bother women when it happens but doesn't bother men.
When it happens with my SO, we both just laugh! Maybe it’s the same way a fart is with high schoolers. When you are cozy with someone, well, its just part of it, so my advice is to laugh it off and just enjoy each others companionship.
That has happened to me and I just laugh it off. Afterall, it is funny! But you know what, it only happens in 1 position with me when a person enters in a certain way. It's kinda of like a hard push, very quickly, in and out. I don't know how to explain it lol
FootLong's Avatar
I believe it is called a "queef". Happened in one or two sessions. I was "curious" the first time it happened. No worries.
Sonya Playmate's Avatar
I believe it is called a "queef". Happened in one or two sessions. I was "curious" the first time it happened. No worries. Originally Posted by FootLong
Yup, sure is..Has happen to me many times I'm like hehe....Its just air that get into the
ammonite's Avatar
I thinks it's funny when it happens, I mean it's part of sex.
Sonya's are perfumed any way LOL.
Precious_b's Avatar
As long as it doesn't stink
I believe it is called a "queef". Happened in one or two sessions. I was "curious" the first time it happened. No worries. Originally Posted by FootLong
Yes... I think that's the most recognized term for it. I've always hated that word though.

But does it have a "real" name? Like a medical term? (We totally skipped this in A&P)
When it happens with my SO, we both just laugh! Maybe it’s the same way a fart is with high schoolers. When you are cozy with someone, well, its just part of it, so my advice is to laugh it off and just enjoy each others companionship.
Originally Posted by johnrock
But that's your SO!! Its different!

Imagine meeting someone for the first time, and thinking, "wow, that was some good.. and then bam." Wow. What an introduction. I totally made an impression.

What a mood killer. Forget round two. Just give me a shovel so I can go dig a hole and die....
Just curious... and I've only had this happen once, so maybe I'm a bit unlearned on the matter, but how does the male play a role in causing this? I mean, I'm sure it comes from play, but, is there a certain position or anything that causes it?

And when it happened, I just ignored it. If I didn't know where it was coming from or had never heard of it I may have been curious, but, I knew what it was and went right on.
It's happened during several of my sessions, it's not a mood killer we just move on and keep having a fun time while we switch positions.

Now an odd situation is when a guy is being smothered with boobs in his face and he has to breathe, what may sound like a "fart" is just air escaping my mouth while being smothered by a boobs. Now that IS sometimes an odd situation!
