So I left my mirror on my visor down got in my car and my car is dead I'm in the Westport area anybody in the area be willing to give me a jump for my car please
Nevermind I got it taken care of woosah that was going to be stuck here forever. But thank you so much for everybody that got a hold of me I really appreciate it
By any chance someone have long jumper cables ???? Yes I've done it again, but I'm parked In parking lot that's full sop I need long cables and a jump please please
Cars are not my thing I need to buy a horse
Yeah or a bicycle. It's not your night.
sounds like you need a new battery if that little light is drawing it down in such a short amount of time!
That's what im thinking cause this battery runs out so fast
Can you imagine my booty on a bike all the way here lol I'd have no booty left after lol
To quote Mr. Mercury: get on your bikes and ride!
Shayla, I heard you were a great ride.