Someone lying about me!

Emily3292's Avatar
Someone commented on one of my reviews a complete lie about me! When I worked at soft touch I didn't go by Emily at all. I'm honestly hurt that he'd say something like that about me. I never steal! I believe in earning my money. Is there anything I can do about it? I literally just had my feelings hurt very badly right now! Though I'm probably being over emotional. Is there anyway a mod can take that comment down?
robinhood12's Avatar
Those of us that know you, do not believe the stealing incident. I think that a client may have been mad at you for one reason or another, and wanted to get back at you. Hang in there. Things will turn out ok in the long run for you.
Emily3292's Avatar
Thanks babe. I appreciate it <3
CryptKicker's Avatar
We can't take the comment down. You are welcomed to dispute it on here just as you did. It could be he has you confused with someone else or is confused about the situation.
Emily3292's Avatar
I hope he is confused. I never met the woman who owned soft touch, never did a double with anyone while I worked there, I literally only was there 3 days lol the guy that works there that hides in the back room blew up my phone, even when I wasn't working. I've never had anyone say something bad since I always try to be a positive person. If it had been someone I'd actually seen then I could understand part of the review. And what exactly is he trying to say by "bad attitude" I can say I was nervous but never rude.
I wouldn't worry about it Emily, your reviews speak for themselves
I was perturbed reading the response to a responseon your review.

Don't even allow your self to worry over that. I know its hard to see something negative written about you; you want to immediately come to your own defense of what's being said. You will create unnecessary worry for yourself. I know right now since you're new on here, its easier said than done to not get upset but I promise with time, youbwont take the tit for tat that goes on personal.

There will always be someone who no matter how stellar your bedroom play or how great your looks or how personable you are....will find fault and dissatisfaction in your time together
And that's can't please everyone. Just chalk it up to oh well and go on.

Believe me, in the big picture you have nothing to worry about. You have great reviews and I can speak from personal experience that all your positive reviews are true to what a great provider you are

Now shake that nonsense off and put that negative energy aside and get ready for your future awesome appts!!!

Hugs girl!!!

Emily3292's Avatar
Aww thanks babe <3 I appreciate it! I texted you the other day girly! Been busy? Hopefully we can get together soon!
Text me again. My phone was destroyed last week at my grandfather's funeral and I lost every contact I had. I'm around this week though
I think you are good... No loss of credibility because of that comment in review... Ya know midland is only 5 short hours away!
TECH8's Avatar
  • TECH8
  • 05-23-2016, 05:10 PM
I'm still willing to take that ride named Emily (:
Emily3292's Avatar
I'm thinking of traveling in August after my daughter's bday but I'll be posting dates and such of when I do