Not an alert, not a review, but something I think you need to know.

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Yesterday I called for

I got directions to SKC and a gas station....where I was asked to buy cigarettes. I was given directions to a house and when I arrived I found

She took the cigarettes and I asked about the difference in the photos. She told me to get comfortable and asked for the donation which was more than anticipated based on an earlier conversation with the first lady. I told her that I would wait for the other woman who was 20 minutes away according to the second woman. I told her no thank you and she wanted a cancellation fee of 20 dollars. I asked about her misleading me and she said to get out because (this was her excuse) I was not coming up with the donation fast enough. Glad to leave.

To the first lady, we've talked before and I even had an appointment. You sent me a selfie and I was looking forward to getting together again but Sophie is going to ruin you if you are working together. The next time I'm texting you I will have no idea who I am talking to and will act accordingly.

satan666's Avatar
good old b&s she was in Topeka for the longest the second of the two pictured. at least it only cost you a pack of smokes right!
DallasRain's Avatar
So sorry that happened...stick with the reputable & reviewed gals here

go have fun!!!!!!!!!!
  • guykc
  • 05-23-2016, 11:33 AM
Sophia is actually reviewed here both of them are if i remember right. i would of done the same given the switch, good for you to only get out after a pack of smokes.
dumars's Avatar
Lesson that should have been learned . . .

Call number in ad, print ad, with pik!

Take ad with you!!! If pik in ad don't match person at the door, tell them "have a nice day"! Once you're in the door and door closes behind you, you're done! You roll with whatever you get, good or bad! Elementary, my dear Watson!

You're welcome!

She WISHES!!! Bahahahahaha..
Tough to find a bargain on BP.
Tough to find a bargain on BP. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
that's nurse Becky, tons of bad reviews on here
dumars's Avatar
I thought so. Never met her but seen her ad(s) tonz of times and her reviews too.

She's one of those I have referred to. Obviously has a following, she keeps advertising, but bad reviews don't seem to slow her down.

Just say'n!

Maverick 07's Avatar
Jesus Does that say PORKY below her neck...WOW a pack of cigs could be much worse...
Welcome to the Legend, Nurse Becky.
malwoody's Avatar
Does anybody know if she is GFE..??
A2theb2thec's Avatar
with a looker like that, who needs the extras. Count yourself lucky to be in the presence of the one true goddess.

seriously, how much of a split is she getting to play this lowdown trick on unsuspecting shitheads? I'm thinking not enough with her shitty attitude
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I don't know what to do about the young lady who's reputation is being harmed. I have a personal selfie of her and she is certainly not Becky. How do you know who is on the other side of the text nowadays?