Lol, look who's back

Alexxxis has returned to the KC Scene. I wonder how many more guys she'll try to blackmail with personal info this time.
dumars's Avatar
Link no worky!

Alexxxis has returned to the KC Scene. I wonder how many more guys she'll try to blackmail with personal info this time. Originally Posted by super_delfin00
Dkayz's Avatar
  • Dkayz
  • 05-26-2016, 06:08 PM
Link no worky! Originally Posted by dumars

Take the number from the end of the URL and put it after the link. The other shit is if you're a member and you'll get the broken page like you just did.
Well I had no drama fun with her a few times. I hope she is doing well.
Some of the most perfect natural tits you will ever see...
Guest010418's Avatar
She's now changed her P411 profile. Now she goes by Erika Waters.
Serious innuendo being said on the down side and some people seemingly supporting her...can someone share a thread or info on her old handle? newer guy to kc, here...can't trust an extortionist or a junkie....

KCJoe's Avatar
  • KCJoe
  • 05-27-2016, 12:05 PM
There was a thread in the ML about her. Might have to go back a couple years to find it.
She's on SA under same name too.
JRLawrence's Avatar
Serious innuendo being said on the down side and some people seemingly supporting her...can someone share a thread or info on her old handle? newer guy to kc, here...can't trust an extortionist or a junkie....

thanks Originally Posted by NASDAQ
I had to do a computer search to find her file.

Birthday 12/22/81
411 page from several years ago come us as gone
Note from previous ECCIE and prior says "Banned for blackmailing clients

I have a RAPS screen capture that for 3/3/10 at 2:03 PM for a Dallas visit. The site note shows "Banned for trying to blackmail clients". She kinda dropped off the map after that.

I remember a lady on this site from Nebraska, MsElena, that got into it with Alexxis over something.

8 years ago is a long way back. it looks like she is now 35.

Copied web site references all turn up no current files. Only my file copies seem to remain.

zeejoe's Avatar
Damm, JR, you still buyin' vacuum tubes and punchcards for the hookputer?

arealwingdinger's Avatar
I always liked her. She had serious skills I thought.
JRLawrence's Avatar
Damm, JR, you still buyin' vacuum tubes and punchcards for the hookputer?
Originally Posted by zeejoe
You bring back memories! I spent a year learning computers for field operations in USMC, then 2 years working with the Navy Medical because of an injury. Upon discharge the MOS got me in with a large Military contractor for another year of computer training using, guess what? Punch cards and punch paper tape. Programmed my first data base in assembly language on the layered platters that served as the first hard drive. The Fortran and Cobol languages are not used much today. Yes the computers I worked on used vacuum tubes even for the 1968 satellite uplink to the military internet. (Long before Al Gore ever knew there was an internet).

Damn, I am happy to be away from the military, and the military contractors (one of my good friends just got promoted to General, and another is expecting that promotion soon, sorry that is not for me!)

So to track these ladies, I sometimes use a data base. But, with all of the cheap memory available today, why bother? Just make a new folder for each lady and do screen captures of the interesting comments, or do a copy and past into a word processor. Drag and drop the web sites that mention her, or her reviews. Then just click on the web site icon and up comes the comments on ECCIE or other site. (She has pulled the web sites down.)

Put a girl's folder into other folders to classify anyway you want. I have a huge no folder with my comments and reasons. That way you can do your homework and pick from the best ladies around. There are enough really fine ladies here that one could never get to all of them. You can try, if you are young and have a lot of money to spend.

Today, I just want every experience to be fantastic. I just wish there were more chances for Little George to have a social life, like 40 to 50 years ago.

I had to do a computer search to find her file.

Birthday 12/22/81
411 page from several years ago come us as gone
Note from previous ECCIE and prior says "Banned for blackmailing clients

I have a RAPS screen capture that for 3/3/10 at 2:03 PM for a Dallas visit. The site note shows "Banned for trying to blackmail clients". She kinda dropped off the map after that.

I remember a lady on this site from Nebraska, MsElena, that got into it with Alexxis over something.

8 years ago is a long way back. it looks like she is now 35.

Copied web site references all turn up no current files. Only my file copies seem to remain.

JR Originally Posted by JRLawrence
So I think it is fair to bring up her history, but this post is more evidence that girls shouldn't trust you with any personal information. What purpose was her birthday added for?

Girls, take notice that this is the sort of stuff he will track. Who knows what is in his database about you. Clearly it doesn't stop at hobby related info.
satan666's Avatar
hey maybe I should contact her we share the same birthday! not with all the hub bub about her I did a little research and found enough to say no. I don't have anything or anyone to hide from but sheesh she took it over the top! outing guys to their so is a bad deal shame it happened.