Just curious....?

TemptationTammie's Avatar
Just an interesting observation and question.
I see so many reviews where smoking status is unknown.
Some of those have LFK & DFK.

Why is it that if you are kissing a lady that you can't tell if she smokes or not?

For myself as a non-smoker, I would guess superior oral hygiene of the lady in question if there were other hints that led me to believe that she could be. If the guy is a smoker, he may not be able to tell either way unless she made it completely obvious.

Some ladies will hide all evidence in the room, only smoke outside in designated "smoking clothes" that are kept in a plastic bag for storage, along with showering and oral hygiene before the next guest all in an attempt to please the non-smokers, but if she is only able to hide maybe 95-99% of obvious evidence then you are left with "couldn't tell".

Either that or she was in some way so beautiful or skilled that you didn't bother to pay attention. LOL
Easy some ladies ask if your going to post a review and may tell the client to put that. I'll put it if it's listed in there showcase the same goes for there phone number. Now if they have listed that there average or curvy and when I see them there a whale I'll put that in the ROS.
Tammie I've often wondered the same thing. I have met a couple of ladies before that were listed as "can't tell" and it takes me two days to wash the smoke smell off; leaving me thinking how in the hell could you not tell. The only ideas I can come up with is maybe it's a request not to say, the John himself is a smoker and is not as sensitive to smoke smell/taste as a non-smoker or he made it home and wrote the review a few days later and whether or not she smoked was the last thing on his mind about said experience.
TemptationTammie's Avatar
I'm a non-smoker myself and very sensitive to smoke. LOL.
I don't smoke. I really enjoy making out sessions I'd be happy just making out for an hour and then leaving ...
I can tell sometimes if a provider smokes, but if I can't then I'll put unknown, can't tell.

There's one provider I see who does smoke, but she brushes when she comes in and she brushes well enough that when we kiss, I am unable to tell if she smokes if I didn't know if she smokes or not, but I know she does.

Anyways, sorry for my rambling...