Fucking Gorillas

So I'm reading about this over the weekend and I really can't believe that so many people are upset the gorilla got shot. Maybe I'm old and callous. No, the kid shouldn't have been unsupervised even for a second and fallen in. That's a given. But once he did, I think the kid's life trumps the gorilla's. I'm completely baffled at how many people aren't making the distinction between animal and man.

It's a sad situation, as Harambe was a beautiful, endangered species gorilla. But he still just a fucking gorilla.
That's exactly what I'm thinking. So if the kids gets killed by the gorilla it's a tragedy but since they killed the gorilla everybody loses their mind!

I'm mind boggled with the whole situation.
Amurka is sho nuf in trouble.

Gorillas matter, kids don't.

If the Mars explorer found an amoeba on that planet, LIFE would be found. We would be ecstatic. But, abortion goes on. We will elect a known liar president. Jail marijuana possessors while it helps all sorts of ills.

I don't fucking get it.
True, but the last time I checked, gorilla's weren't out there savings lives, feeding the poor or inventing shit like electricity, telephones and pacemakers. I'll take humans over gorillas.
Grace Preston's Avatar
Its been a constant news item for me since I now live in the Tri-State area... multiple failings:

1. Parents--- watch your kids!!

2. You'd think such a large zoo would be harder for a child to just randomly fall into an enclosure.

3. Armchair quarterbacks. Yeah-- they could have used a tranq dart, but then they ran the risk of it agitating the gorilla for the 60-80 seconds it would have taken to work. A big animal could have done a lot of damage to a small child during those moments.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 05-31-2016, 10:13 AM
Throw the irresponsible parents in with the gorilla
I totally get that parents can't have eyes on their child 24/7, especially when you have more than one. Admittedly, I don't know the parent to kid ratio for this particular family. I'm outnumbered in my house and when we go out. But even in parking lots I have my younger ones hold onto something on ME so that I can feel if they let go. I totally think the parents should be held responsible for not being diligent considering their surroundings. By that same token though, if I hit a kid in a parking lot with my car, it's still my fault regardless of whether or not the parent was being diligent about their child's safety in said parking lot. So in that regard, I think the zoo bears more responsibility than the parents. You have to account for factors of human negligence when you keep a gorilla.

Totally agree about the tranquilizer, Grace. Too risky.

I just don't understand the backlash about killing the gorilla. It's a fucking gorilla.
Kayleehotchick's Avatar
This coming from a passionate conservationist.....It is sad because the Gorilla was alive and his life has value as well.

But this that being said, the part that pisses me off is the asshole parents.

As sad as the situation is, I agree with the zoo decision with putting the child's life first. Sadly, the course of action of shooting him was the best action to take. But it doesn't mean, people can't be upset/pissed over it.

As far as "just a fucking gorilla" Well, that's the problem. Once all the fucking gorilla's are gone, they are gone forever.

The child deserved to be protected and he was and yes, the life of this child over the gorilla's. But it's a fucking sad thing to have happen. I hope the child's parent face some sort of punishment for it and I'm glad the child is safe.
rexdutchman's Avatar
You have to have a license to drive a car, carry a gun , cut hair , etc = parents NO requirements , it is sad however they did the right thing. just my 02
Chung Tran's Avatar
whew! when I clicked this thread, I thought it might be another of those that question some of my choices in Providers, LOL..

but yeah, it's unfortunate, but the Gorilla has to be cut down in that situation.. I saw a still photo that purported to show that the Gorilla was in the act of nurturing the child, but a split second proves nothing.

waiting for the "Gorilla lives matter" movement to begin shortly..
Kaylee, I totally get that you're an animal rights person. And I respect that. I'm glad there are people out there who fight animal injustices.

The zoo is still responsible for the actions of stupid people or negligent parents if they are going to keep gorilla. If you want to be upset with someone over the death of this gorilla, be upset with its caretaker who did not take care to secure the gorilla's dwelling properly.

And I'm sorry but it is just a fucking gorilla. Dozen of species of animals go extinct every day. I appreciate those people who fight for the fair treatment of animals. But they are still just animals. There's a natural pecking order and humans are at the top of it. If a choice needs to be made between an little kid and a gorilla, it should be a no brainer. Maybe the people who can't make a distinction anymore between man and beast should all be shot??? Not really but....

How did the safety features of the exhibit get defeated by a four year old? The mom is probably to blame as well but that's unacceptable that a kid was able to get in so easily. I would think there would be some level of reasonable care built into the design and construction of the barriers
Poppa_Viagra's Avatar
I have a problem with the zoo in that their fence wasn't spoiled-little-bastard tight.
I have a problem with the parents not hanging on to the kid.
I have a problem with the zoo staff not shooting the gorilla sooner.
I have a problem with wildlife being maintained in zoos but it's a necessary evil vis-s-vis research and public awareness issues.

(Google the subject, a lowland gorilla male, mature, 400 lbs can lift between 800 pounds and a half a fucking ton over his head. Crush a coconut one-handed easier than a goatroper squashes an aluminum beer can. Run the 40 in a calculated 3.0 seconds where Deion Sanders took 4.7.)
bigbob38's Avatar
The gorilla thought that little black kid was his son he wasn't hurting that kid at all they shot him because they are a bunch of stupid idiots!!!! The mother needs to be in jail for child neglect!!!
I think the zoo should take legal action against the family for forcing them to put down their animal. You have to respect the rules, and that is something that some of us are getting away from.

I read somewhere that the kids told his parent that he was going down their. Well he did. Now pay up!