Wrong Summer?

SummerBreez's Avatar
A potential client had texted me and asked if I'm still pregnant. I kindly told him he has the wrong provider. He replied and said that's not what my review says...

So knowing I'm NOT pregnant and that I have never seen a review saying I am, I asked him to send me a link to the review. He did, thankfully! So now I'm wondering how do I get this removed from my name ?

Thankyou Much
This review was assigned to Summer BP Springfield MO, not you.
Summer, I knew it couldn't have been you when I saw 30 min for a hund
SummerBreez's Avatar
But the first review is mine Scorpio ?
SummerBreez's Avatar
I don't think that one ever got linked to my showcase either. All I know is when you Google my number, this is what you see if you click on the first link.
The 7 month old review written by checkout1234 has been assigned to your profile.
SummerBreez's Avatar
Can you please remove my phone number from this "Summer BP" too?
SummerBreez's Avatar
Hello, how are you? Phone number removed. Anything else?
SummerBreez's Avatar
I'm peachy, thankyou much Scorpio. Hope you are doing well too !
SummerBreez's Avatar
Oh wait, I lied. I meant can you remove the 5732867852 number please. That's my number.
SummerBreez's Avatar
This phone number is mine. These reviews are NOT mine. Please help.
JCM800's Avatar
The number has been removed.