Zika may be transmitted by oral sex

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  • ognob
  • 06-04-2016, 12:54 PM
Scientists raised the possibility that the Zika virus can be transmitted by oral sex — perhaps even by kissing
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Scientists raised the possibility that the Zika virus can be transmitted by oral sex — perhaps even by kissing
yikes! Originally Posted by ognob
That's how the article starts out. Here is how it ends.
Transmission through kissing is unlikely, Dr. Brooks said.

“Casual kissing has got to be safe because, if it weren’t, don’t you think we’d see a lot more Zika? Every mom who kissed her baby would pass it on,” he said. “To be sure, we’d have to look for deep kissing in the absence of sexual contact, and that’s hard to find.”
Also, if you click on the link to the letter, it says (emphasis added):
We cannot rule out the possibility that transmission occurred not through semen but through other biologic fluids, such as pre-ejaculate secretions or saliva exchanged through deep kissing. The saliva of Patient 2 tested negative on day 10 after the onset of his symptoms, but it was not tested earlier. ZIKV has been detected in saliva,5 but, to our knowledge, no cases of transmission through saliva have been documented.
Please be extra safe, women and men. Zika may be able to infect the central nervous system of people who contract it (Guillain-Barre syndrome). It can cause intellectual disability in the children of infected mothers-to-be (microcephaly). Zika is transmitted sexually and by mosquitoes, and only 1 in 5 infected people have symptoms. This means people are spreading it without even knowing they are doing so. The number of cases in the U.S. are bound to increase. Be safe, everyone.