Mia Khalifa on BP?

albundy's Avatar
Who in the hell is "Mia Kahlifa?"
Who in the hell is "Mia Kahlifa?" Originally Posted by albundy
A porn star. Consistently ranked in the top 20 by most websites that has ranks. Became semi-famous 2 years ago when she was ranked #1 by pornhub.
albundy's Avatar
Guess I'm just used to "clips" on the porn sites now. I usually don't search for names, just the "type" of porn or the "act". I rarely catch the chick's name on those videos so I'm a little behind on the top porn chicks of the moment, I guess.

I have heard of "Lisa Ann", and she is in town too! I fucked her on the cheap. Get you some!


Yeah, right.
Lisa Anne, Mia K, and Mone Devine. All at the same time in Nola too. What are the odds we would be so lucky?
DaGod's Avatar
  • DaGod
  • 06-09-2016, 01:44 AM
Guess I'm just used to "clips" on the porn sites now. I usually don't search for names, just the "type" of porn or the "act". I rarely catch the chick's name on those videos so I'm a little behind on the top porn chicks of the moment, I guess.

I have heard of "Lisa Ann", and she is in town too! I fucked her on the cheap. Get you some!


Yeah, right. Originally Posted by albundy

I've seen the mia k one before, knew it was fake only be cuz I follow her twitter and ig, and most pics had somewhere not inLA.

Never saw the lisa ann one , is this on the up and up?

think I would pass on that one you know it's fake already