"Providers for a cause"

Ok I have two stories and I'm interested in hearing from providers their opinions and responses. First, a story of my grandfather. My grandfather served in many armed conflicts in various capacities for the US armed services. He was part of the early landing parties of the D-day invasion. He was an army Sargent in the infantry. He was very decorated from the war but as many from the "Greatest Generation" he would rarely talk about his experiences bad or good. The exception involves stories about how wonderful the French women were to him and his fellow soldiers after d-day and eventual liberation of Paris. One story as a kid he would tell me tell me over and over again was that the women in France were unbelievably grateful for our boys to be in France that they were very very rewarding to him in ways that really stuck in his mind as something he passed the stories down the generation. Not sure if this was France's working girls doing their part to help win the war or maybe it ways civilian turned working girls to show their admiration and respect for our boy's bravery. I think the ticker tape parades were great back home but the blow jobs from France made him feel special enough to share it with his grandson 50 yrs later.
My second story is somewhat related. In an "off the clock" discussion with a well to do traveling provider, she was trying to think of ways to use her skills (and /or money) to better society. I half laughed about a volunteer job I had in college working at a hospice and what she and her friends could do to send dying men home happy. In reality, she was serious and wanted to do something good. She thought about supporting battered women and victims of sexual assault. I wondered if she could help fund attorneys (not clients) who would help get the good girls(non drug using, disease spreading, non extortionists) out of jail, away from pimps, stalkers etc. ... but you get the point. I know that there are several informal "mentor providers" who newbie providers learn the ropes from but is there anything else informally or formally providers or even better "groups of providers" have done to help a cause or belief...
I've been a Victory Girl for years, visiting servicemen home on leave and returning from war. These men are my passion, both as a provider and in my civilian life.
I've been a Victory Girl for years, visiting servicemen home on leave and returning from war. These men are my passion, both as a provider and in my civilian life. Originally Posted by Ginger Snap
That sounds really cool and truly a gift to the soldiers. How do you determine who to see?
Word of mouth, mostly. "I have a buddy coming home and he's driving through KC", "So-and-so said you like to welcome home soldiers..." I know A LOT of military guys! Haha
I offered a food drive for several years when I lived in KC. Guys who brought me a food donation got a discount. It was a win-win-win. I'm sure I got a few apponitments that I might not otherwise have had. So I won. The guy got his world rocked, and felt good about donating food that would go to a local foodbank. So he won. More importantly, together, we helped send a kid to bed with a full tummy. I loved doing it.

At Christmas, I did a toy drive as well.

A lady down in Oklahoma would auction off a multi-hour dinner date every year at Christmas, with the auction winner donating the amount of the winning bid to a charity and presenting the receipt to her in payment for the date.

Lastly, I always spread the word to the travelling ladies to save the toiletries from the hotels they stayed in. Homeless shelters and battered women's shelters could always use any toiletries they can get ahold of.

The phrase hooker with a heart of gold isn't just a trite phrase! Some of us really do love to give back to our communities, and have found some very creative ways to do it!