How long would you wait?

Hey all, I'm new to the hobby with only my first encounter under my belt. Tried to set something up tonight and the provider was quite accommodating to a request for a visit an hr out. Upon arriving at the address at the scheduled time I asked for the room number, but got no reply. I asked again, no reply. After 25 minutes I headed home, and got a text 10 minutes into the drive saying she was ready.

As I'm still wet behind the ears I'm not sure if me taking off was rude or not. My gut said head home & I asked if she would be in town for a bit so we could try to meet again, but have gotten no response. I'm trying to avoid making the wrong kind of name for myself, and I was wondering; how long do you think is reasonable to wait in a parking lot for a provider to get back to you without coming off as suspicious to those who may be watching?
Cleo's Avatar
  • Cleo
  • 06-11-2016, 11:42 PM
I don't know that there is a "set" length of time. I guess it's all on the individual. But in my opinion, life happens and sometimes we all run a little late. I'd wait about 15 minutes but only if the lady is responding and let's me know that she's behind schedule. If she has prior knowledge that she'll be late, she should let you know as far in advance as possible so that you can adjust your travels. The same should be said of us if we are in that situation. It's about mutual respect and valuing each other's time. You waited over half an hour, that is extremely patient and understanding of you, considering she was unresponsive. I doubt any reputable provider would give you grief over that. Good luck going forward.
If I have no communication from the provider, I'll wait about 10 minutes before I start heading out. With communication it would depend on the situation.

I think you'll be fine. Most providers I think would understand your leaving. Good luck in the future.
ScubaBad's Avatar
25 minutes is MORE than enough time to wait. I'm so sick of this BS. If I set something up with a gal and she doesn't have the common courtesy to let me know she is going to be running late, I'm done and won't bother to ever call her again. A little respect goes a long way. It's not like she didn't know and the BS excuses are just that B fucking S. No way "life" happens this often. Flat tires, sick this, crap that. I'll find someone that likes to make 5-20 times as much as us do per hour and doesn't treat our time like it is worthless.
Cleo's Avatar
  • Cleo
  • 06-12-2016, 01:35 AM
I agree scuba. It shouldn't happen all the time. If it does, it's a sign that the provider has poor TCB skills which makes calling her for a meeting, a very unattractive option. There's also that dirty word to consider. "Double booking." Anyone can be 10-15 minutes late, but if she's making you wait 30 minutes or more, I can't help but wonder if she double booked or tried to squeeze in another appointment before me. I saw a provider whom I suspected was doing this as she knew it would take me an hour to an hour & 15 minutes to get to her because of the distance. I finally got what I considered to be sufficient proof and stopped seeing her. It wasn't that she had another client mind you, but to get that last minute text saying, "can I get a little more time before you get here?" (Normally just as I was pulling up.) made me feel like she just didn't value my time or manage hers well.
If she doesn't see me within 10 minutes of the scheduled time, I fine her for the full amount of the donation.
A New York minute is not long enough 25 minuets is too long.
AllThisMeat's Avatar
If you're at a restaurant and the waitress you knew was to be serving you, ignored you for 25 minutes, how long would you wait until you leave?

Sure a provider is more than a waitress, which is why you should expect more as well. Call your back up girl.
As a provider, I'm extremely sensitive to hobbyists time, especially if I know they are watching the clock. Then again, tardiness in any form makes me hyperventilate. I think you waited plenty long and hope your next experience is a positive one!
dumars's Avatar
On the other side of the spectrum, a lady might wait for you but it's a safe bet there would be an aire of anger about the room. Some women have the attitude of "it's OK for me but not OK for you". Whether hobby or otherwise.

My time is 15 minutes.
No more than 10 min if thete are no comms inbetween. 15 min if she is texting.

Id be to nerve wracking for me to wait un a hotel parking lot whating.
A2theb2thec's Avatar
I get to the location. Then I wait 5 mins or less. I send a message that I will be leaving. Nothing then I leave. If I get a message a little after and it's a room number I go back. If it is more bullshit then I continue on my way.
Cleo's Avatar
  • Cleo
  • 06-12-2016, 04:55 PM
If I leave, then I leave. Damn a text saying she's ready now. 15 minutes if she's communicating and if it's not a frequent occurrence with her. There are other ladies that TCB and won't put you through all of that. I try very hard to be mindful of their time and I require the same. Life does happen to us all, but when it happens all the time, then you're doing something wrong.
JRLawrence's Avatar
Hey all, I'm new to the hobby with only my first encounter under my belt. Tried to set something up tonight and the provider was quite accommodating to a request for a visit an hr out. Upon arriving at the address at the scheduled time I asked for the room number, but got no reply. I asked again, no reply. After 25 minutes I headed home, and got a text 10 minutes into the drive saying she was ready.

As I'm still wet behind the ears I'm not sure if me taking off was rude or not. My gut said head home & I asked if she would be in town for a bit so we could try to meet again, but have gotten no response. I'm trying to avoid making the wrong kind of name for myself, and I was wondering; how long do you think is reasonable to wait in a parking lot for a provider to get back to you without coming off as suspicious to those who may be watching? Originally Posted by Willhurk
You were played with. You were right to leave. Write it up, and let everyone know her name. She is the one that was rude, so quit being pussy whipped by a girl that is just playing with you and expecting to get away with it.

Waiting in a parking lot within a couple of blocks from the location is not wise. After confirming the site, wait up the street. If she does not respond, drive on and save your money because the meeting will not be acceptable either. She just doesn't care of taking care of her clients, not a good sign.

zeejoe's Avatar
If you're new to the hobby, you'll have to determine your own tolerance for that sweetspot in time between "this chick does not have her shit together" and "oh god, I hope it's not some other dude running long".