
Bestman200600's Avatar
The credit card data base for Wendy's was hacked. If you have used a bank debit card there recently you need to change your card number.
Alyssa XOXO's Avatar
Thanks for the info babe
Fishpie's Avatar
Thanks for the heads up but too late for me. First time ever that I had to deal with CC/Debit card fraud. Someone made a card with my info and made a withdrawal from a Wal-Mart. At least I got credited and case closed on the same day.
Dorian Gray's Avatar
People still buy things other than frosties from those shitholes?
chicagoboy's Avatar
Don't use debit cards to buy things; use credit cards.
bbkid's Avatar
  • bbkid
  • 06-14-2016, 08:46 AM
Don't use debit cards to buy things; use CASH $$$ Originally Posted by chicagoboy
I hate that you fuckers make me stand in line so long to use those damn cards. You ain't got a freaking $10. bill in your pocket?
oilfieldscum's Avatar
You guy's and gals are financing a Wendy's #1?
Fishpie's Avatar
Not going to lie, I'm a sucker for those Coca Cola Freestyle machines. Only reason I would stop somewhere I would otherwise avoid.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
I use cash. I laugh at the fucktards that lose out on shit because they never have money and have to pay a fee to get cash.

Cash is and always will be KING

I do not even have a debit card nor do I want one.
If I do use a card it is because I get a reward and the use of somebody else money for a few weeks free of charge.
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
I use cash. I laugh at the fucktards that lose out on shit because they never have money and have to pay a fee to get cash.

Cash is and always will be KING

I do not even have a debit card nor do I want one.
If I do use a card it is because I get a reward and the use of somebody else money for a few weeks free of charge. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
The people who use credit cards for every damn purchase they make no matter how small are going to get hysteria attacks when the Norks use the EMP on us, or some other network failure lasting longer than a few hours falls upon us.

...and you're right...debit cards are nuts.
maineblame's Avatar
So u go to bestbuy and pay 5000$ cash for a 4K tv? Or hopefully pay the credit card balance b4 the interest charge. Shit even Dr$g dealers use debt cards nowadays lol. True if the Nords shut the system down were fucked but I guess my gold and silver coins will suffice.

Skimming is much harder to do with the new Chips they installed in new debt cards.

Slitlikr's Avatar
I use cash. I laugh at the fucktards that lose out on shit because they never have money and have to pay a fee to get cash.

Cash is and always will be KING

I do not even have a debit card nor do I want one.
If I do use a card it is because I get a reward and the use of somebody else money for a few weeks free of charge. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Skimming is much harder to do with the new Chips they installed in new debt cards.
..... Originally Posted by maineblame
The chipped card i received in February......

......has already been replaced with a new one. i got it last week.

Only time I pay cash is for hookers. I hate fucking change. Pay almost everything with credit cards that I get frequent flyer miles for. Can't count the number of $1500 airline tickets I have gotten for free to the Caribbean, Hawaii, Europe, etc. Use miles often to fly first class. CC fraud? Hell yeah, 4 or 5 times. Never cost me anything... just a minor inconvenience of shutting a card down for a week and changing autopays. Never pay interest - always pay the cards off each month.

I do have a couple cards I use at what I consider higher risk places... like a Wendys or a convenience store or a bar or a street shop. These cards have a fixed low minimum credit line just in case...

To me, the benefits of CC's outweigh the risks. But I am responsible and never carry a balance over, routinely check my purchases online, etc.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
If they would let me I would use my CC to buy my next vehicle for the points. I have paid cash for the last three vehicles I have bought. I never pay interest for anything.
I do not have a debit card and do not want one. I do not have an ATM card and do not want one.

I also ask for a discount or if there is a discount offered and will take it including cash discounts.
You would be surprised how many places offer discounts if you just ask. Teacher discounts, military discounts, AAA discounts, senior discounts and many times 55 is considered senior depending on the place. I get a discount at my cleaners for paying when I drop off my clothes rather than when I pick them up. Why not ask, it does not hurt and not asking is like giving away money or not taking free money.