Paying For It: A Guide by Sex Workers for Their Clients, (2004?)

LoveWomen's Avatar
This book may be a little dated, but sounds like it could be valuable information for our community.

Has anyone read: "Paying For It: A Guide by Sex Workers for Their Clients", published by Greenery Press?

Author: Greta Christina

Excerpt from the introduction is Available Here

PS The Honest Courtesan looks interesting.

Thanks to sue_nami (great name) for the heads up.
dumars's Avatar
Is this another lady who thinks we"re "Paying for It" 'cause we can't get it any other way?

Bet 'ya think I'm being cynical don't 'ya? 'Fraid not, I've been told that a number of times the most recent being a more current lady, her attitude was highlighted on one of my previous posts. Some of you think that attitude doesn't exist, it does, take that to the bank.

On the lighter side, there are a few books, on the same subject (more or less,) written by very notable classic authors worth reading. Unfortunately, I don't remember the titles or authors. I bought them for somebody else without reading them my self. I'm thinking the author(s) would be Walter Scott, Alexandre Dumas or Charles Dickens, might be wrong tho. Was not Don Quixote, that's for sure.

I'd love to get a hold of a copy. Contributions from quite a few legendary sex workers, like Nina Hartley and Annie Sprinkle, are included.