He can't win. A vote for Gary Johnson does nothing but prime Hilary Clinton. So just vote for Clinton and quit hiding under the umbrella of this independent façade.So Jim, who do you suggest we vote for? John Wayne Gacy or Jeffrey Dahmer? If you vote for Trump or Clinton, you're voting for more debt, less freedom, and expanded wars for profit. Gary Johnson offers a choice. Trump and Clinton don't.
Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
So Jim, who do you suggest we vote for? John Wayne Gacy or Jeffrey Dahmer? If you vote for Trump or Clinton, you're voting for more debt, less freedom, and expanded wars for profit. Gary Johnson offers a choice. Trump and Clinton don't. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuyOur Political system doesn't allow Gary Johnson to win. Not enough people are thinking about Gary Johnson. Gary Johnson is only a wedge between Hillary and Donald Trump. you can vote for Gary Johnson if you want to, and I don't blame you if you do. We don't have real leadership in this country anymore. That's why Hilary isn't in jail and Trump isn't out trying to make another billion dollars and the nation isn't rallying around Gary Johnson or somebody like him. It's all backwards and done by design.
Well as you walk into the voting booth in November don't go patting yourself on the back, because you're not that dam bright regardless who you vote for.Nice of EKIM to explain HIS and ASSUP'S reason's for voting for shrillary. But we already knew about their weak minds.
Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Reading COMPREHENSION isn't one of YOUR strong points EKIM, but cum guzzling, dingle berry picking and getting YOUR fudge packed surely is !!! Originally Posted by Rey LenguaKeep babbling you stupid fuck, you are unable to read or carry on without your standard gay remarks. 99% of you posts are worthless fag shit. The rest are you kissing someones ass with a +1.
Well as you walk into the voting booth in November don't go patting yourself on the back, because you're not that dam bright regardless who you vote for.You can remain smug and secure while you are casting your vote for Trump knowing that was rainwater flowing down your back.
Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Keep crying about being outed as the fag that YOU are EKIM !!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA YOU'D be the resident asskisser , ya dingleberry picker ! All of the WKing YOU'VE done for woomby and now assup piggy mamboolah ! Originally Posted by Rey LenguaYou haven't "outed" anyone as a fag, however your constant posts reveal your true colors, and they are rainbow.