Just an FYI

Sarah Renee's Avatar
Wanted to give everyone a heads up...

I will be moving away from Wichita at the end of July. HOWEVER, I will still be providing service to this area.

Due to the move, it will mean I will need at least a 3 hour notice for all sessions in order to take care of the location arrangements and drive to town.
I hope this doesn't create too much of an inconvenience for any of my regulars.

On the upside, if I have seen you before, you are eligible for an out call (Minus the out call or mileage fee) if anywhere from I-135 east to the state line and from HWY 54 South to the state line.

If I have not seen you before, there is still the required first meeting in call or a meet and greet. This is in ADDITION TO the screening form on my website.

Once my house is finished, I hope to be able to go back to giving more specials along the way.

Hope to see you soon!


Sarah Renee
SmallWonder's Avatar
Even though I haven't seen you (yet), I'm certain Wichita will miss having you more local. (I'm keeping you on my "to do" list, however. A three hour lead time is no big deal for me.)
Sarah Renee's Avatar
Even though I haven't seen you (yet), I'm certain Wichita will miss having you more local. (I'm keeping you on my "to do" list, however. A three hour lead time is no big deal for me.) Originally Posted by SmallWonder
Awww, thank you! I look forward to getting to meet you and showing you things Barbi never knew. LOL

While I am not looking forward to the drive, I am looking forward to being closer to my parents and not paying rent. I am also not looking forward to Starbucks being an hour away. Thankfully, I will be traveling a lot during the month to keep me a little more sane.

Everything now is going toward paying for things on the house. I will still be giving great service to a low volume. It is just going to be even more fun (if that is even possible) because each time I see someone, another thing or service will be purchased for the house. YEAH!!!

Which opens up another option for those who would like to see me and have professional licenses to do contracting work (electrical, installation, ect...) or those who get great discounts toward appliances, fixtures, and supplies. I will be open to do service or product trading (Fair warning...I am being extremely picky about what goes into my home and who does the work. I won't settle for second rate products or services. Just like I don't give second rate service).

(BTW...Since this is going toward a home finish, would it count as a tax deduction? You know like Habitat for Humanity? Hey that just might work as donated time and supplies for those in the contracting business. LOL Check it out...Always looking for the loop hole to make it even better for clients.)

Who knew bartering would ever become a part of my business? LOL

Hope everyone is having a great day!


Sarah Renee