Has Our Interest Level Been Peaked, Or Is There Room To Improve

Snaggletooth's Avatar
Allow me to preface this post with the following...

I typed up post quite quickly and did not have time to go through and ensure that the flow and sentence structure was up to par. I do hope that my thoughts come across clearly.

Now back to our regular programming...

I am quite sure that this topic has been brought up in the past, so please forgive me if we are beating a dead horse...

For the last year or more I have commuted from Fort Worth (Burleson/Crowley Area) to Waco each day for work, round trip about 160 miles (I am no longer doing the drive and just rented a spot near downtown). I have had the pleasure of meeting some wonderful ladies in and around Waco. In the course of the same year the number of ladies has remained generally the same. Granted their have been some one hit wonders who have emerged, but overall the same number of great lades who are here now, were year in July of 2015 (I mean this in a positive way).

What has appeared, at least in my eyes, is the board activity has taken a pretty significant drop. So my question is two fold, maybe three fold, lol:
  • Why
  • What can we as gentlemen do on our end to help improve traffiic
  • What can ladies do to help improve traffic
  • Or has his particular ECCIE regionn reached its capacity?

I am well aware that our region covers a large portion of the state, the counties that are just around the Waco Metro Area stand at six and they are:

Hill County (north)
Limestone County (east)
Falls County (southeast)
Bell County (south)
Coryell County (southwest)
Bosque County (northwest)

On the flip side of things, will more traffic increase reviews, posts, overall board participation??? I can only speak for myself, and I would hope that it would, buy I cannot say for sure. What I can say with certantity is that I will do my part in whatever way I can moving forward.

in the end when all is said and done I will be happy regardless of whether interest in this area grows or stays as it is now, just as long as we all stay safe and enjoy the Hobby!
