We have also made revisions to the SNATCH thread rules. Those rules are as follows. Changes are indicated in bold red.
- No pictures, rates, services may be posted.
- Only one post within a 12 hour period.
- You must be readily available within one hour of posting.
- No discussions or commenting on other's ads.
- A lady must be a Verified Provider to post ads.
- Signature Line content shall not be considered.
- Format and layout of the post shall not be considered.
The information provided may not exceed the following items...
- For the ladies...
- Time available.
- Location (incall and/or outcall).
- Preferred method of contact.
- Contact information.
- No more than two URL links to a page containing other information.
- For the gentlemen...
- Time available.
- Preferred method of meeting (incall or outcall).
- Preferred method of contact.
- Contact information.
- Preferred activities (acronyms only).
We suggest using a link to your website, showcase, or recent ad if you wish to inform about current specials or special activities you are offering.
Please understand that because of the nature of doing things on short notice the person you are trying to arrange to see may no longer be available by the time you contact them.
References to specials will be interpreted as references to rates and will not be allowed.
References to "<fill in the blank> friendly" will be interpreted as references to services and will not be allowed.
One warning will be issued for the first violation. 1 point will be issued next. 5 points will be issued thereafter for failure to follow instructions.
The staff may make changes as time goes on and new announcements will be made at that time.