It Pains me Greatly to say this: Mr. Trump cannot win..

  • DSK
  • 06-28-2016, 10:21 PM
I think Mr. Trump would make a great President. I wish he could win. I wish he would stuff defeat down Hillary's throat and make her choke on it. Unfortunately, it isn't going to happen.

I know he won the nomination fair and square, with more votes than ever. But let's face the facts here:

America is almost half minority now, and they hate Mr. Trump. Virtually no minorities are going to vote for Mr. Trump. They feel righteous hatred towards him, and even the Asian people, hardworking and more wealthy than white people, and better educated to boot, will not vote for Mr. Trump. He is a great man, but he is toast.

The good news is almost everyone hates Hillary Clinton, also. They just need someone else to vote for leading the Republican party.

Mr. Trump needs a face saving way out where he can claim victory. He doesn't even want the job, but he is backed into a corner.

We need someone else, and we need them now. We need more conservatives on the Supreme Court, and we need to retain the House and Senate. We must find a way to replace Mr. Trump.

America is seriously going downhill, so Mr. Trump will have to make the sacrifice and step down.
WRONG!We got this... The monster Vote will carry this thru! fuckers
Yssup Rider's Avatar
It was never gonna happen, JL. Never.
goodman0422's Avatar
I honestly believe that any other Republican candidate could have beaten Hilary. The liberal media chose Trump because he (as an unwinnable candidate) is the only one Hilary (a thoroughly unwinnable candidate) stood even the slightest chance against. The media ensured he had enough coverage to practically guarrantee his nomination. (How much did he spend again? Not a day went by that we didn't hear about him.)

The Republican party has already conceded. They are not truly supporting Trump. Their message to the voters will be "we told you so". You should have supported our guy.

Hilary will probably win, there will be more "scandals" (we should just call them "Clintons"), she will probably be the worst president in history (at least until 2021 when some even more unqualified clown is elected.)

I honestly can't believe I had to type "more unqualified" because "less qualified" just didn't cover it.
  • DSK
  • 06-29-2016, 08:05 AM
I honestly believe that any other Republican candidate could have beaten Hilary. The liberal media chose Trump because he (as an unwinnable candidate) is the only one Hilary (a thoroughly unwinnable candidate) stood even the slightest chance against. The media ensured he had enough coverage to practically guarrantee his nomination. (How much did he spend again? Not a day went by that we didn't hear about him.)

The Republican party has already conceded. They are not truly supporting Trump. Their message to the voters will be "we told you so". You should have supported our guy.

Hilary will probably win, there will be more "scandals" (we should just call them "Clintons"), she will probably be the worst president in history (at least until 2021 when some even more unqualified clown is elected.)

I honestly can't believe I had to type "more unqualified" because "less qualified" just didn't cover it. Originally Posted by goodman0422
Yes, and until the convention, Mr. Trump, a great man, could do the right thing and resign. "More unqualified" was a great way to put it concerning Hillary, who could definitely be defeated by many different Republicans who do not alienate 70% of the electorate.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I think Mr. Trump would make a great President. I wish he could win. I wish he would stuff defeat down Hillary's throat and make her choke on it. Unfortunately, it isn't going to happen.

I know he won the nomination fair and square, with more votes than ever. But let's face the facts here:

America is almost half minority now, and they hate Mr. Trump. Virtually no minorities are going to vote for Mr. Trump. They feel righteous hatred towards him, and even the Asian people, hardworking and more wealthy than white people, and better educated to boot, will not vote for Mr. Trump. He is a great man, but he is toast.

The good news is almost everyone hates Hillary Clinton, also. They just need someone else to vote for leading the Republican party.

Mr. Trump needs a face saving way out where he can claim victory. He doesn't even want the job, but he is backed into a corner.

We need someone else, and we need them now. We need more conservatives on the Supreme Court, and we need to retain the House and Senate. We must find a way to replace Mr. Trump.

America is seriously going downhill, so Mr. Trump will have to make the sacrifice and step down. Originally Posted by DSK

You've got to stop reading those rags.
gfejunkie's Avatar
Oh ye of little faith. Things change. Like when the next Muslim terrorist incident happens here (and it will) and Clinton and the current administration blame it on guns, Republicans, the Tea Party, right-wing radio, Fox News, et al.

The American people aren't as stupid as the dimbulbocrats think they are. As a matter of fact they're getting pretty damned sick of it.
I think the problem is the GOP has gone too far to the right. They are too extreme for most Americans, even for a lot of Republicans. The Republican party has become more and more divided, whereas the democrats are becoming more and more united. The republican party does not have a qualified candidate running this time around. I agree with DSK on this. The GOP has consistently gridlocked the White House during the Obama administration and refused to compromise on issues again and again. This is how the American public sees the GOP and they are not happy. I think this is why many people have switched from republican to democrat, or at least why they do not want to vote republican.
I B Hankering's Avatar
The leftist dim-retards have a self-professed socialist running a viable campaign for the presidency; yet, these same delusional dim-retards screech about how it is the GOP that has moved to the right?
  • DSK
  • 06-29-2016, 10:39 AM
You've got to stop reading those rags. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Unfortunately, those rags do hate Trump, but it tells you what the loser, faggot loving rest of America is up to these days. Depressing, but you have to accept the reality of it.
  • DSK
  • 06-29-2016, 10:41 AM
I think the problem is the GOP has gone too far to the right. They are too extreme for most Americans, even for a lot of Republicans. The Republican party has become more and more divided, whereas the democrats are becoming more and more united. The republican party does not have a qualified candidate running this time around. I agree with DSK on this. The GOP has consistently gridlocked the White House during the Obama administration and refused to compromise on issues again and again. This is how the American public sees the GOP and they are not happy. I think this is why many people have switched from republican to democrat, or at least why they do not want to vote republican. Originally Posted by SassySue
Many people think the same way, but some would accept what Mr. Trump advocates without Mr. Trump's baggage.

Hence, a new candidate without the baggage could destroy Hillary, which I want far worse than electing Mr. Trump.
gfejunkie's Avatar
The Republican party has become more and more divided, whereas the democrats are becoming more and more united.

I think this is why many people have switched from republican to democrat, or at least why they do not want to vote republican. Originally Posted by SassySue
Oh, really?
Explain this for me...

And that's from one of your left-wing rags!
It's happening more and more all over the place.

Last I heard a lot of those Bernie supporters will never vote for Shrillery. They hate the bitch. Some 20% of them have already switched to Trump.

For every DSK Republican drop out (Where the fuck else they going to go?) there are probably 2 former Bernie-ites to take his place.
  • DSK
  • 06-29-2016, 12:00 PM
Oh, really?
Explain this for me...

And that's from one of your left-wing rags!
It's happening more and more all over the place.

Last I heard a lot of those Bernie supporters will never vote for Shrillery. They hate the bitch. Some 20% of them have already switched to Trump.

For every DSK Republican drop out (Where the fuck else they going to go?) there are probably 2 former Bernie-ites to take his place. Originally Posted by gfejunkie
I'll vote for Trump over Hillary, I just don't think he can win.

I'm also voting for all the down ballot Republicans.

We could sweep the Presidency, the House and Senate with a better candidate up top.
gfejunkie's Avatar
Try to replace him and all hell will break loose.