Who Is Best For The Hobby?

ICU 812's Avatar
I don't usually lurk here, so this post may be redundant . . .sorry.

So we are winding up what is/was the most liberal administration in US history. So much has been liberalized in regards to LGBT issues . . .and recreational issues that may not be mentioned on this forum.

Yet The Hobby has been hounded about everywhere by both local and Federal LE.

Avoiding the Red-Blue/Left-Right discussion that may not convince anyone to come over to the other side: Who will be the best candidate for The Hobby?

My take is that both major candidates are deeply flawed people who will do or say whatever seems expedient at the time without regard to any framework of principles.

Bernie Saunders (not my guy by the way) did seem to have a strong set of core principles that he didn't back down from.

Gary Johnson however is the Libertarian candidate. He supports legalizing many things including pay-for-play between consenting adults.

He is on the ballot for president in all 50 states; a viable alternative. The clock is running, but it is still early with over 5 months till Election Day. Johnson only needs 33% of the Electoral Collage votes to send the election to the House of Representatives, and 54% to win it.

Give him a look and think about him for a few months. He might be what The Hobby needs.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I don't usually lurk here, so this post may be redundant . . .sorry.

So we are winding up what is/was the most liberal administration in US history. So much has been liberalized in regards to LGBT issues . . .and recreational issues that may not be mentioned on this forum.

Yet The Hobby has been hounded about everywhere by both local and Federal LE.

Avoiding the Red-Blue/Left-Right discussion that may not convince anyone to come over to the other side: Who will be the best candidate for The Hobby?

My take is that both major candidates are deeply flawed people who will do or say whatever seems expedient at the time without regard to any framework of principles.

Bernie Saunders (not my guy by the way) did seem to have a strong set of core principles that he didn't back down from.

Gary Johnson however is the Libertarian candidate. He supports legalizing many things including pay-for-play between consenting adults.

He is on the ballot for president in all 50 states; a viable alternative. The clock is running, but it is still early with over 5 months till Election Day. Johnson only needs 33% of the Electoral Collage votes to send the election to the House of Representatives, and 54% to win it.

Give him a look and think about him for a few months. He might be what The Hobby needs. Originally Posted by ICU 812
This commercial was brought to you by the Gary Johnson for President campaign.

Hobby rules are made by states and cities, not the federal government. Johnson, Trump or Clinton are likely to have nothing to do with it. Deal with your local officials and you'll get a better response. By the way, Obama is a socialist-progressive not a liberal. There is a huge difference.
ICU 812's Avatar
Commercial? Well maybe, but I am no more partisan in this than others here discussing other candidates. In reality, I am just another Hobbyist looking for more elbow room in life.

Sure, I understand that the States regulate.

I am looking for eight years of moving the country into a more liberal/libertarian direction as has been done with LGBT issues and other things.

The past few years have shown that a good bit of social engineering can be fostered through Executive Orders and other types of presidential actions.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Look out, bro. Here comes the feces!
... By the way, Obama is a socialist-progressive not a liberal. There is a huge difference. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
This, among other things

Gary Johnson has the political charisma of a half eaten can of corn.
LexusLover's Avatar
The past few years have shown that a good bit of social engineering can be fostered through Executive Orders and other types of presidential actions. Originally Posted by ICU 812
Two issues:
#1: Executive orders can be rescinded by the next "executive", except
#2: Those which have already been shit canned by the SCOTUS.

Wait until the memoirs of "THE LEGACY" are published!
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I'd like to know which EOs have affected the hobby?
all I know is I if Fat Boy Christie is his VP or AG.. us herbal lovers are in trouble.. that fat fuker need to mind his own fuking business on Herbs and Hookers
gfejunkie's Avatar
Out of the two (Johnson hasn't got a snowball's chance), Clinton and Trump, which one would you say has paid for pussy at least once in their lifetime?

(And paid, and paid, and paid.....)
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Federal government does not have the right to prohibit prostitution within the states..
What the federal government can do is make and enforce laws once the business crosses state lines such as transporting across the state lines for the purpose of prostitution.

What we have is a lot of federal dollars attempting to address "human trafficking" that includes those "trafficked" for the purpose of prostitution. This is a back handed way to harrass prostitutes by local governments as long as they can collect federal dollars to do it.

The reality is that there are people that are trafficking in the sex trade that are pimps or members of gangs, or other organized criminal enterprises. It would be nice if they wuld only target those that they know are trafficked and leave the rest alone but, they are not going to stop taking the money as long as they can.

The best way to reduce this is to avoid pimped traveling roadshows, "cantinas" , and the brothels that cater to non-english speaking tricks.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Out of the two (Johnson hasn't got a snowball's chance), Clinton and Trump, which one would you say has paid for pussy at least once in their lifetime?

(And paid, and paid, and paid.....) Originally Posted by gfejunkie
Here is your punchline;

both of them
gfejunkie's Avatar
Here is your punchline;

both of them Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Thanks, JD. I'll be here all week... Thank you...Thank you...
A conservative and a liberal were walking down the street,
when they meet a beautiful woman.
The liberal says "Really would like to fuck her"
The conservative says" Outta what"?
gfejunkie's Avatar
A conservative and a liberal were walking down the street,
when they meet a beautiful woman.
The liberal says "Really would like to fuck her"
The conservative says" Outta what"? Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Sounds more like the Clinton Crime Family Foundation.
They'll screw anybody out of anything and make it look like it was your idea.
Simple truth is politicians cater to big money lobby so the hobby needs a big money lobby. Sad but only way it's going to change and I don't think any of these ladies or gents are going to ante up any time soon. One day hopefully.