Elizabeth Warren Endorses Hillary Clinton on Rachel Maddow Show

Yes, yes, yes! This is a huge step forward for the democratic party. I am so excited.



I adore Elizabeth Warren and so do hundreds of other Bernie Sanders voters.

Also, she is on the short list for Hillary's VP choice!
chicagoboy's Avatar
That should help sew up the fake Native American vote.
That should help sew up the fake Native American vote. Originally Posted by chicagoboy
"Fake Native American vote"? Wonder if it will sew up the "Wall Street jitters"?

How old are you? Don't you know Hillary is a lying crook? The equivalent of a "poor woman's Richard Nixon?"
How old are you? Don't you know Hillary is a lying crook? The equivalent of a "poor woman's Richard Nixon?" Originally Posted by gnadfly
And suckinsue is OK with TWO lyin liberals !! One that stretched everyone's beliefs that SHE could be a " Native American " but willfully used it for the affirmative action that it got her with Harvard and another that lies EVERY TIME her mouth opens, sells U.S. Government secrets to the highest FOREIGN bidder, illegally uses her own computer network to conduct official business, claims that she NEVER received OR SENT classified information on HER network, and trampled all over rape victims OF HER HUSBAND. Says a lot about who suckinsue is !!!! Mebbe she'll soon be joining the reacharound crew at their " meetings " due to her political leanings !!!
Chung Tran's Avatar
I know a lot of people adore Warren, but she would be a disaster as part of a Clinton/Warren ticket.
I know a lot of people adore Warren, but she would be a disaster as part of a Clinton/Warren ticket. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Why do you think that when she is aligned with the same ideology as Bernie Sanders? She will get many of the voters who wanted Bernie Sanders.
chicagoboy's Avatar
What was SassySue's previous handle?
I B Hankering's Avatar
What was SassySue's previous handle? Originally Posted by chicagoboy
"Number 9": http://eccie.net/showpost.php?p=1058329780&postcount=9
"Number 9": http://eccie.net/showpost.php?p=1058329780&postcount=9 Originally Posted by I B Hankering
And here all this time I thought it was > I'madumbasslibandEKIM'Sgirlfri end !
Chung Tran's Avatar
Why do you think that when she is aligned with the same ideology as Bernie Sanders? She will get many of the voters who wanted Bernie Sanders. Originally Posted by SassySue
she will pull some.. but I think the Hillary/Elizabeth combo will turn off many people, not least because it's two gabby women running together.

besides, a VP candidate really doesn't move voters one way or another.. that's
old Kennedy/Johnson thinking.

witness Dan Quayle..
she will pull some.. but I think the Hillary/Elizabeth combo will turn off many people, not least because it's two gabby women running together.

besides, a VP candidate really doesn't move voters one way or another.. that's
old Kennedy/Johnson thinking.

witness Dan Quayle.. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Yes, but Kennedy won the election and he was one of the most popular presidents of all time.

Yes, yes, yes! This is a huge step forward for the democratic party. I am so excited.



I adore Elizabeth Warren and so do hundreds of other Bernie Sanders voters.

Also, she is on the short list for Hillary's VP choice! Originally Posted by SassySue
It might be a huge step foreword for her, but not for you. Haven't you figured it out yet, we live in a corrupt Government all the players are corporate criminals. How far do these people have to stick their dicks up your ass before you realize you're being fucked?

What was SassySue's previous handle? Originally Posted by chicagoboy

Yssup Rider but I prefer to call him Urinal Lips/Shit Eater/Axe Gash

cptjohnstone's Avatar
Yes, but Kennedy won the election and he was one of the most popular presidents of all time.

http://us-presidents.insidegov.com/s...nnedy-Overview Originally Posted by SassySue
he was not that popular when he died

that was the reason he came to texass